
Please Help Me with A Betta ?

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I want to get two female bettas can i put them together? And if yes can i put them in a 29 gallon tankwith my two goldfish, 3 guppies, Two neon tetras,2 zebra danios?




  1. Unless you intend on having those fish for dinner, I wouldn't reccomend it. Bettas are very territorial and live better when kept alone. The two females MIGHT be fine together, but it's pretty much a 50/50 chance; it just depends on the temperament of the two fish. Some people keep the danios with bettas, but again, it just depends on the betta's temperament.

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  2. nooooooooooo and guppies tetras and danios all need a heated tank and shoulded be with gold fish plus they eat differnt stuff dude do some reserch

  3. oh thats perfect for them

  4. Goldfish and bettas are pretty much opposites on the care spectrum - why do you have 2 coldwater fish in with other tropical fish? Besides, 2 goldfish themselves would be good for a 29 gallon tank without the other fish - they need a lot more space, filtration, and aeration than most people thing.

    Either way, you should never keep only 2 female bettas together. You want at least 3, preferably more. Female bettas will establish a hierarchy, and the dominant female will pick at the lower female until she is stressed to death or is injured and succumbs to infection and illness. If you want your female bettas in that tank, get more than 2, and please remove the goldfish and get them in a setup all their own.

  5. Some females work others don't. Yes, they should work with the goldfish, at least mine do. I have guppies and danios together in another tank and they do pretty good. My male guppy's' tail got a little ripped up, but nothing serious. You should probably get at least 1 or 2 more tetras and danios, since they are a schooling fish, but that is up to you. One thing that worries me, danios race around the tank at each other and betas are pretty relaxed fish.  Their fins might get nipped a little, but I don't know if it would be serious or not.  You should probably make a lot of hiding spots. Just to let you know my beta sure liked my cave, but I moved her to another cage so she doesn't have that cave anymore. Those fish probably wouldn't work though, since guppies , danios and tetras like hotter water than goldfish. My betta could take hot water so she could probably go with the fish I just named. Probably the only way it would work is if the tank temperature was set at about 72 to 74 degrees, but it still might not work. I dont advise it.

  6. You can put them together.  Usually it is the male betta that can not be mixed with other bettas.  Two males can not be mixed, and one male can stay with 1 or few females, as the male might be aggressive with them as well.  Female bettas can stay together though in general.  My only suggestion is to seperate the goldfish from the tank.  They like cold water better than warm.  The rest of you fish like warm water.  Their colors will not be as vibrant and health will not be as good when you put either of the groups of fish in water with temperature not suited for them.  They will survive, but will not be as healthy or pretty looking.

  7. I personnaly wouldn't put them together but if you have to only do the two females in a big tank. Don't keep them in a bowl. Females are very territorial and may fight.

  8. No goldfish with ANY of these other fish.  Goldfish are only compatible with other goldfish and only do well at cooler temps.  All of the other fish you have listed are tropical and need a heater.  Goldfish have a heavy bioload and need much more space and maintenance too.  Keep them separated.  Goldies need 20 gallons for one and 10 for each additional with a filtration system of double this.  Anything less cannot be sufficient for their bioload and they do not live their full life, end up stunted or constantly ill.

    Yes, you can have multiple female betta together.  I recommend 3+ though.  With two one usually emerges at the dominate one and endlessly picks on the other.  When there are more they are usually occupied.  And yes, they can go with your other fish with caution.  The biggest item to remember when mixing bettas with other tropicals is to have enough space - bettas are very territorial and have a densely planted tank with caves - they like hiding spaces.

    Neon tetras and danios belong in schools of at least 6 - this is when they do their best.  Any less than this and it not only stresses them out but they will nip on your betta's fins, male or female.

    NO guppies with MALE bettas.  They mistake them for baby male bettas and attack them.

    In a 29 gallon I would try the 6 danios, 6 neons and a male betta.  You could also try the 3 females with the 6 danios and 6 neons.

    Good luck: )

  9. yes that would be fine a perfect home

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