
Please Help Moving to NC I'm starting high school a few weeks late!?

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Ok well i'm currently living in RI and i'm going to move to NC in about 2-3 weeks. I'm going to start highschool over there but I'll probably start like 2 weeks late. I am really nervous about starting, like getting lost at school and making new friends. and what should I do at lunch? Is there any way I can be less nervous? Is cary, NC a good place to live? Plz give me advice!! Thank you!




  1. Cary, NC is a wonderful place to live!  People are friendly, so you should feel welcome at school.  You may meet neighbors who go to the same school you'll attend before your first day.   Talk to the principal and see about being given a mentor/friend to show you around. School starts around the 25th, so you may not be too far behind.

    As far as lunch,  you may recognize people who have been in your morning classes.  If there is a space sit with one of them.  While you are waiting in the lunch line start a conversation with the person either behind or in front of you and tell them you are new.  Maybe you'll be invited to sit with them.  If you do end up knowing no one look for a table where few people are sitting.  They may be the ones who want and need new friends.

    Be yourself.   Try to relax.  Join clubs or teams in whatever you are interested.  This will help you get to know others.

  2. Oh man.

    Consider yourself lucky :D

    If I were moving, I would much rather start school a few weeks late.

    The thing is, contrary to some peoples beliefs, people are nice.

    Most people in my school will say Hi to a new person. If you started school with everyone, they wont know if you're a new person, especially if it's a big school.

    So if [when] someone says Hi to you in class [because in class is when they will say hi, not just randomly in the hallway] say hi back :D Just be friendly, and if you hit it of say something like "Wow, you're really cool, I was soo nervous about my first you think I could sit with you?" Maybe not in those words exactly but something like that. You could also wait awhile before saying that, see if they ask you to sit with them :D

    Don't be worried, you'll do fine!

    Just smile :D

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