
Please Help! My husband's father died last year day after labor day.?

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My father-in-law died last year the day after labor day. My husband is starting to show signs of sadness, which is understandable. He said to me that he feels fine but something keeps telling him that he's not going to take this so well. Is there anything I can do to make this time not so sad for him? I mean I don't know whether to avoid the subject and just be there for him in other ways or get him to talk about his father more during this time or what. I'm confused and I want to do the best thing for him. Please help me. thanks




  1. I think you should just be there for him. If he wants to open up he will, don't pressure him. I would just spend quality time with him and try to make him happy by doing things he likes to do or making his favorite foods. Simple things like that will show that you care and are concerned but are not going to make him even sadder by discussing his father. Also be positive and avoid negative topics or situations. I would also try being sensitive about talking about your own parents. Hope this help, good luck!

  2. My Mom still mourns the death of her mother (my Nana) nearly a decade later.  I know that the day is difficult for her and always make a point to call her.  I normally start out by saying something along the lines of "I know that today is the anniversary of Nana's passing, and I just wanted to see how you're doing".  That way I'm acknowledging the fact that there is significance to the day.  I know that my Mom tends to feel as though other people are forgetting my Nana, or that the day doesn't matter to them.  By mentioning the day you're letting your husband know that you care, you remember and you're there for him.  He may not want to talk about it, but it could also be the opening he's looking for.

    If your husband is anything like my Mom then he may have increased difficulty around the holiday season as well.  Mother's Day is hard for my mom, so Father's Day may be a time that you want to be aware of how your husband is doing as well.

    Best of luck.

  3. My fiance's father fied a few years back and he takes it pretty hard when that time comes around. Last year the day before I made him a small scrapbook(his mother gave me pictures) of him and his father growing up and he was really sad when he first seen it. After he looked through it he smiled at the happy memories he had and the next day he was great. Seeing all the pictures was hard for him at first but it reminded him of all the happy memories he had of him.

  4. my apologies.

    Good luck ( =

    Be kind to your husband. Dont bring up the subject to often. ask if he wants to talk about it, if he doesnt, the talk about something else or leave him alone. He wil also appriciate hugs and kisses and love notes and maybe you should cook dinner and clean for him for a few days.

    oh and thanks for being concerned about your husband. Its a relief these days. =D

    PS: Give him an i love you ecard:

    you can choose one special for him

    PPS wear his favorite color tomarrow

    PPPS dont mention his father in the ecard

    PPPPS please send me feedback about how things are working out at

    Thanks and good luck ( =

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