
Please Help..My husband was killed recently in auto crash?

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Does anyone know of any funding or help available. My husband was a passenger in a car that crashed and died. I live in Illinois. Anyone know of any help I can get for my family. We used every penny we had to use for a down payment for the funeral. Any help out there?




  1. Go to your local job and family services center

  2. Go to any local church and they should lead you to the right place sorry to hear about your loss good luck god bless

  3. So sorry to hear that.  I lost my sister in a car accident as well 6 months ago. She was the passenger.  We received money from the drivers insurance comapny.  Look into that. Also we had fundraisers in memory of her and have collected a couple thousand dollars.  We had a chili dinner and charged $5 donations (ppl always threw in more money) also during that chili dinner we had raffles.  I made up a letter detailing what happend to my sister and handed it out to local stores.  We had a lot of things to raffle off and that helped bring money.  Also i know its a hard time and bringing everyone together having dinner or having a lil party, it might help knowing you have all that support for you.  IF you need to talk or anymore info im here at Peace be with you and your family.

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