
Please Help!!! Need help with Photoshop!!!???

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I need to know how to put color in a "Black and White" Picture????

I didnt download photoshop yet but can u please help me out with it?

thank u so much




  1. I'm just learning photoshop myself. (Very time consuming, wish I could spend more time on it.) I've found tons of great tutorials though that take you step by step for lots of different things.

    Here's some tutorials I had bookmarked in case you can use them in the future:

    Here's a list of tutorials on black/white color: (the website has tutorials for all kinds of stuff)

    This is a lesson on layers - which is basic and very important to learn: (scroll past the ad..I'm not affiliated in any way)

    This has 100+ tutorials - a search for black white color didn't show anything but it could be in there - I think these are all free..although at the top it listed something for sale..pretty sure the list of ones are free:

    This website I think was my favorite (haven't been on it for a while though so I can't exactly remember):

    This is on layering on that same website (which you should definitely learn):

    This has tutorials too:

    Photoshop tutorials for cool stuff:

    Haven't looked much at this but there's photoshop tutorial links:

    Good luck to you! Expect to spend some time on things though.

  2. Well there are a lot of unanswered questions...if you email me I can do it for you and create a tutorial with it.

  3. When you open the image in Photoshop, first you will have to convert it to RGB if it's a black and white or grayscale image. In Photoshop you would go to Image>Mode and select RGB. Then you would use one or more of the various selection tools to select the area you want to color. Once selected (you will see the "marching ants" moving dotted outline around the selection) you can select color from the color palette, or click on the big square at the bottom of the tools palette to open the color picker, select your color, click ok. Now you can paint in your selection with a brush, or use the paint bucket to fill the selection with the color you selected.

    That's the basics, there is more stuff, but it's hard to explain if you don't already have Photoshop.

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