
Please Help. No one really answered and I need help.?

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This is hard for me, please read and help.;_ylt=AsgQXmeGtW2KKP1U4F.xvF_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080819165854AA2ChHk




  1. The receptionists are prepared for anything. Just be open and honest with them. But really...they shouldn't be asking what your reason for coming is. That is the doctors place to know..not the receptionist.

  2. Kammy,I'd be more than happy to help you.  You don't need therapy,You just need some good friends to rely on.  I don't want to judge you.  I will not pass judgement on you.  I understand what you are going through.  I have some things in my past that I'm not really proud of.  But what keeps me going is the fact that I am doing my best to put this all in the past.  Leave this ugliness behind me.  I hope you don't decide to hide under your proverbal rock.  There's people out here who would love to help you through this,Me for one.  I will help you anyway you need it,Kammy.  Hope you allow me this chance.  You sound like a geniunely sweet person on the inside.  Before I go,I've gotta introduce myself.  My name is David and it's been a honor to write to you tonight.  You have a goodnight and God bless.  Bye for now.

  3. This link is to a database of licensed marriage and family therapists in CA.  You can search for your area and on abuse or post-trauma.  Many therapists do sliding scale fees.

    You can also try your county mental health department.  Depending on your income, you may be able to receive services, or perhaps find out about what is available in your community.

    Your instincts are right about needing to talk.  It makes all the difference.  You are not a freak or damaged goods.  You were an innocent kid who had something done to you that should not have been done.  Regardless of absolutely anything and everything that makes you think you might have been a co-conspirator, you were not.  Talk.  Work with a therapist.  In time you will come to recognize your true value and wholeness as a person.

  4. Hi Kammy, I understand how hard this is for you.  I'm in a similar situation myself.  If you need to talk, feel free to email me privately (see my profile for address).  

    Above all, please know that what happened to you is not your fault.  You had absolutely no accountability in that.  You aren't a freak and you CAN get past this.

    Best of luck to you.

  5. a therapist is all confidential and usually they will have a one on one to find out exactly what the problem is. They ask you questions that you can answer and that how they start the conversation, they are extremely supportive and know how embarrassing the situation can be for you. They are there to help you work through the feelings you have towards your past. Choose a therapist that you feel comfortable with and go from there. Find an agency that deals with your type of experience (that way you don't have to feel awkward when making an apt.because they will know) Don't be afraid or embarrassed. You are not alone in this situation. I know many people of all ages who have gone through this and many claimed that therapy helped them work through their problems. You will be ok just find a place you feel comfortable with...ask your husband to help make the apt with you. Good-luck and I know you will be ok

    Sorry IDK of any therapist that I can refer you too but do some research online and look through the yellow pages and you will find something. :)

    ALSO: the more people you tell, the more you let it out the better it is for you. You dont have to hide it...In your case everyone should be understanding. Tell close friends and confide in them, they will help you as well.

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