
Please Help...? What is this??

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Ok Well I heard people on Y!A Dog section talking about male dominance what does that mean!? And like how does it work? Cuz I heard people saying the males mount each other..? Like what is it??




  1. Dominant behavior is exhibited by both sexes; however in a pack, THE alpha dog is usually a male because males are usually bigger/stronger. But size is not necessarily everything; a smart, assertive small dog could dominate a larger but less-intelligent and/or submissive dog.

    If there is more than one female in the pack, then the pack will have an alpha male AND an alpha female.

    Alpha status entitles the dog to special priveleges. The alpha gets to eat first, gets the best place to sleep, enjoys mating priveleges, etc.

    Sometimes same-s*x dogs will mount (hump) each other, and females might even mount males. It might be because they're trying to assert dominance, or they might just be excited and forget their place in the pack.

  2. The dogs will try to mount each other (much like they would mount a female to mate) to show dominance. It's just a way of them saying, "hey, I'm the one in charge here."

  3. ahaha basically getting ontop of each other maybe humping kinda like it but with out the thrusting sometimes

  4. The dominant male is the leader of the other dogs and is in charge. The males fight to be the top dog. As for mounthing each other they could really be attacking from the back... but I wasn't there so.

    Google it.  

  5. Dominance is the meaning of "taking over" or being boss.

    Mount eachother is humping..

    Don't get the wrong idea, humping is a sign of dominance and nothing more. How do I know ? Because the only mammals beside us that have s*x for pleasure is the Dolphine [:

    I hope I answered you question ! :D

  6. Dominance in general is just a way to determine who is the leader.  Females mount males...females mount females...male on male and of course male on female.  It's just a way to determine who is top dog...literally.  It's also why dogs mount's not because they are horny, it's because they feel like they are in control of you.

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