
Please Help!! (already posted (re-post))?

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Hey Im From Ireland and currently doing a TV,Radio,Film Digital media Course in dublin i finish in may 09 and am planning to go to america for three months on a J1 Visa to work (I am Planning ahead)

But ive been to the states before, i love it there and am considering to continue my study over there. I have family in new jersey so id like to stay close to them as it would suit me better, moving out of home is one thing i think ive done well but moving to another country is different.

So basicly i need advise on few things

1. Tv.Film,Radio Media ; Which is the best collages around New Jersey or New York to go for

2. For a Foriegn Student From ireland which is the best way to apply or even see if im eligable as our certificates are somewhat diffrent




  1. I agree with the previous poster -- and wish to add more! Unless you are planning on a very specific type of work-training, you cannot work while on a J1 visa!

    "Q: What is a J-1 Visa?

    A: A J-1 Visa is issued for an Exchange Visitor who is participating in an established J Exchange program pre-approved by the State Department (formerly pre-approved by USIA). Exchange Visitors under J-1 visas include secondary school and college students, business trainees, trainees in flight aviation programs, primary and secondary school teachers, college professors, research scholars, medical residents or interns receiving medical training in the U.S., certain specialists, international visitors, and Government visitors."

    Notice that most of these "workers" are actually some sort of "trainees".

    So, while you're "planning ahead" you need to visit the nearest US Embassy or Consulate and determine if a J1 visa is what you need! If you plan on attending a university, you need an F1 visa.

  2. Your question needs some clarification:

    You say you are 'planning' to go to the United States to work on a J1. Firstly have you got a company or organization who is willing to sponsor you? Because without one, you will not get a J1.

    Secondly you say you want to attend school here in the States. What degree are you hoping to acheive, is it a recognized program such as a bachelors or is it just simply another course were you get a certificate or some kind upon completetion?

    If it is the former, then you are better off getting an F1 because you will not finish a degree program within 3 months, you are talking closer to 4 or 5 years for a bachelors.

    Roaring Mice, is probably the best person to ask about the best colleges and I am sure he/she will be along shortly to follow up on my answer.

    As for your 2nd question, the way and only way is the visit the website for the colleges you are interested in and look at the section for 'admission as an international student' and there you will find all of the requirements and documentation you need to apply for admission.

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