
Please Help me, 12 year old golden mix?

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Please help me out here! I have a 12 year old golden mix and he is getting out of hand! See in february of this year we adopted a new addition to our family, he is a 1 year old pit mix. So our golden mix has never been too fond of him and would bark when the pit mix would l**k his head or try to play with him. But the past couple of months they have been getting a long much better.

Recently in the last month or so Cody has been acting more Vocal then usual. When ever the pit mix even gets up from laying down and walks around a little bit, cody will bark! I do not mean like one bark, he will bark until the pit mix finally sits back down or goes in another room. Its beginning to get out of hand! Its mostly when the other dog is around. But other times its when he needs to be fed, he will bark and bark when his food is being made until he is given his food.I was in tears today because he would not stop barking no matter what i did and i am stressed out of my mind! The rest of my family is stressed out too. I don't understand why he is acting this bad! Do you have any idea's how to stop this horrible barking habit?

Obedience training probably will not solve the question he is very stubborn and too old to listen to anyone.

I really do not wish to use a shock collar either because i do not want to hurt him since he is a senior!

Giving away one of the dogs is not an option




  1. I like the idea of giving treats to good behavior from the golden when you bring the other into the room. A few ideas in addition:

    -Don't pay attention (positive or negative) to barking or obnoxious behavior from older dog. This only reinforces his behavior. I know it is hard, but it will pay off if done the right way with other incentives to "be good".

    -If you decide to do a little "re-training" of your own, only manually control the pit mix. This will help the golden understand that yes, he is still the "alpha"

    and no one is trying to hold him down or take away his superior position. And do not punish bad behavior from Cody during training time!!!! Just ignore and try again later.

    -Besides training time, give positive attention when Cody is behaving himself when the pit is/isn't around. There doesn't need to be a reason for treats, just show him that you haven't forgotten him and his rightful place, as he is the older dog.

    I completely understand not getting rid of one dog. They are part of your family- sometimes not everyone gets along, but it's no reason to kick one of them out!

    Just remember to keep positive, Cody's reaction is most likely one of feeling threatened or abandoned.

    However, if it persists even with a little training of your own I would consult a vet; there may by psychological problems underneath the bad behavior.

    I wish you the best!

  2. there is only 1 answer and you are already refusing-get rid of the pit-cody was there first and is the boss

  3. i have an i dea! you can block off certain parts of the house so that they can'rt see eachother! that could help!!!!

  4. WOW...

    Now that must be very frustrating.

    My advise would be too,

    take Cody in to a room or backyard.

    and put the pit mix in another room.

    You will need a bunch of treats on hand.

    so get the pit mix.

    and where ever Cody is lets say a bedroom.

    open the bedroom door and bring the pitty in.

    As SOON as the pitty steps foot in the room,

    say good boy Cody and give him a treat and affection.

    take the pitty out wait a few minutes bring him back in the room give Cody a treat and say good boy.

    then do it again take the pitty out bring the pitty in say good boy to Cody and give him a treat.

    do this at least 15-20 mins a day.

    until Cody associates the pit mix as a treat and attention

    so soon he realizes that when the pitty comes in i get attention and yummy treat!

    If he ever barks as you come in tell Cody no and leave the room.

    Good Luck.


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