
Please Help freaking out, I got a ticket for making a right turn on red and for going 70 in a 45 zone?

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Please tell me what i should do?! I got two violations in one ticket so that's why im freaking out. Now don't jump to conclusions please as I'm not a reckless driver. So heres the story, two nights ago I was driving on my way home from work around 11:30pm. I had a long day work and had just gotten off, but the thing is I live about 45 minutes away from where I work so I had a long drive till i got home. So around 11:45 I was coming to a stop for a red light but I was a little impatient and decided to turn right on the red right at the light last minute and as soon as I did i realized my mistake because there were cars in both lanes coming at me very to prevent an accident I sped up. They were coming super fast so I sped up quite a bit until I had a good distance from them and immediately got into the right lane (there were two lanes). As soon as I did this I realized there was a car following closely behind me going just as fast as me. I then noticed it was a cop and he flashed his lights. There was a right turn coming up so I turned right and pulled over. Long story short he wrote me for 21461(a) V.C Violation of a Sign( No right on Red) and 22349(a) Speed in Excess of 65 mph. The cop did not use radar and estimated my speed at 70 b/c he followed me (he let me speed up before pulling me over, what a bummer =/)...on the ticket it says that the P.F. max is 45 and Veh. Lmt is 45 but im confused...he and the other cop (yes there were two) were discussing if he should put me down for going in excess of 55 or 65 and they decided 65. Which one would have been better for them to put me down for 55 or 65 and whY??

But other than that please give me advice on what to do...This is my second ticket and i got two violations in it. Im only 18 so Im scared to death =/ My first ticket was a speeding ticket i got back in January of this year when I was 17, and I didn't get a point on my record because I took a juvenile traffic school and did comm service.




  1. they didn't give u a break then...fines, points, skyrocketed insurance rates basically is wut you will face

  2. i think  excess of 65 is why is it good? because if you were  going 20 miles over  the speed limit! if anyone was going that fast when i caught them i'd write them for 65.  if the judge gives you the option of traffic school take it.if not just deal with the fine and points. If you in california  maybe just maybe the judge will give you  START SMART if you don't then just deal with it  there really is nothing  to but wait for the court date.

  3. ah i dont now what happens in america,but here in new zealand you have to pay a fine for getting a ticket, so if its the same there, pay the ticket and forget about it??

  4. Pay the ticket and forget about it. It will be a waste of time, effort, and money to argue with the police.  

  5. Answer is very simple, pay the fine and sign up for traffic school.  You will waste more time and money fighting it than it is worth.  Thousands of people get the same ticket you got daily, and believe me the majority of Judges will side with the law - if you broke the law your guilty.

    I would recommend doing traffic school ON-LINE! It's a piece of cake! Check out - they were quick, easy, and I completed my schooling in a day!

  6. It would have been better for the 55. Just bite the bullet and pay for the tickets. Next time be more careful. Since you are 18 I assume you pay for your own insurance. It will go up.

  7. You are in so much trouble! :)

  8. lol god bless u

  9. 55 or 65 doesn't matter, you were cited for being 25 over the limit. that is not good.

    you are gonna get some points and pay extra insurance for a while.

    if you have at least 3 tickets already, you ARE well on the way to being a crappy driver.

    I am no saint behind the wheel, but you have been caught more in 18 months or so then I have been in 30 years driving.

    i don't care if you are a saint or not, just be smart about picking and choosing times and places to be a bad driver.

  10. Pay the fine and stop breaking the law!

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