
Please Help?!?!?!?!?!??!

by  |  earlier

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me and my little cousin were playing and she kicked me in my left eye on accident. My eye started hurting and now i have a Red small spot on my eye..i think its blood. Will it come out or do you think i should see an eye doctor??




  1. If you can see a doctor I would do so. Even if it's just something small it's your eye and those are very precious!

  2. How old are you? Show it to your folks, or if your older..go to emergency room...DONT play around with your eyesight!GOOD LUCK

  3. Pain is not should get it checked out.

  4. i would c a dr. just in case but u will b fine its kinda like a blood shot eye nothin to worry bout

  5. if its your eye yea, u still want to be a ble to see right?

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