
Please Help!! seventh/sixth grade math question?

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PLEASE help me, cuz 1: i dont understand it and 2. i am soo tired my brain cant prosess it

Ok here is what it says:

You are planning to put a tile border along a 126-inch-wide wall in your kitchen. You want to use only whole tiles. List all the possible whole number tile widths you could use. If the tiles are only sold in whole number widths of 6 inches or less, what size tiles could you use?





  1. You could use the six inch tiles the three inch tiles or the two inch tiles.  It also could depend on the length of the kitchen wall but if you are only given the wide part these anwsers should be ok.  all you have to do is divide 126 by 6 then 126 divided by 5 and so on untill you get to one.

  2. You could use:

    126 1 inch tiles

    63 2 inch tiles

    42 3 inch tiles

    21 6 inch tiles

    18 7 inch tiles

    14 9 inch tiles

    If they are only sold in whole number widths of six inches or less, you could use

    126 1 inch tiles

    63 2 inch tiles

    42 3 inch tiles

    21 6 inch tiles


  3. ok i think i should be able to solve this because i'm in eighth grade but i don't know how......... scary. sorry i can't help!;...

  4. you could use 21 six inch tiles, 42 three inch tiles, 63 two inch tiles, and 126 one inch tiles.

  5. Divide 126 by evenly divisible factors less than 6.

    This will give you:

    126  1-inch tiles

    63  2-inch tiles

    42  3-inch tiles


    21  6-inch tiles

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