
Please Help: stay or break up??

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I am in this relationship for 3 years (2 years of it has been long distance). He loves me very much and seems to have everything i wanted in a man. Everyone who knew us personally, told me that he is very devoted to me.

However there are two problems:

1. We dont have time with each other (even when I am near him, he's always busy with his research)

2. I cannot get intimate with him or return his affections. I think we lack chemistry -never had any feelings when we kiss. (He have a good body too). Hence, I find myself fantasizing to myself rather than have s*x with him.

What should I do??? I am feel so unhappy (almost everyday)




  1. He sounds very nice and the perfect person for you .... to be friends with!!!  If there isn't chemistry, there isn't much you can do about it.  Be true to yourself. Keep him as a friend and look for someone who makes you see fire works when you kiss him.

  2. well first of all you definately need to communicate with him and tell him how you feel. If he truly cares for you he'll understand and try to meet your wants and needs. But if he doesn't understand or try to meet your needs and wants then he doesn't care for you as much as it seems. Then you break it off. But first talk and if talking and time doesn't resolve your problem, then you should break it off because there are millions of guys out there that can and will make you happy. And if you break it off with the guy because he doesn't compromise, he'll realize what he lost. Good Luck!

  3. Next time he takes you out to dinner, go back to his place and then just grab his p***s, and say "lets do it." He will be so turned on. That will help your relationship, so i say stay in it.

  4. You can make others happy if you are not feeling the same way. Although others think that you two make a really good couple, you can't go off of that. Maybe he is a really nice guy and really devoted..and he sounds like he would make the right woman a really good man. Unfortunately that doesn't sound like you are it. Believe me there is someone out there for everybody and you will find that "right" one for you. If he doesn't make you happy or make your toes curl, then there is someone out there that will. Maybe you two need some time apart to re-access what it is you really want. Distance can make the heart grow fonder. Take some time off....not to see other people but to find you. Some people haven't found themselves and they jump into a relationship thinking the other person is going to complete them when that is the wrong way to look at a relationship..not to mention selfish. Learn you and what makes you happy. Does he fit in that picture?  

  5. Maybe your relationship just lost its 'spark'. Happiness is a key component of a good relationship. I'm not saying you should break up- far from it- but you should take a break to re-evaluate your feelings.

  6. Maybe it's time to move on...

    Follow your heart <3

    Everything happens for a reason

  7. Break up.  You're not happy!  Anyone you get together with will have some good qualities, or else you never would've gotten together with them in the first place, but just because there are some good things doesn't mean you need to keep investing year after year into a relationship that's not working for you and not making you happy.  Good luck.

  8. Talk to him and if you are still unhappy then break it off but stay friends

  9. some times what we think is perfect is so bland that there is no taste and we need some spice added

  10. You need to break up with him.  It's not going to get any easier the longer you are together. If you don't have feelings for him, you need to tell him.  I don't know if he might have the same feelings for you.

    Life is too short to be in a relationship where there is no chemistry and you aren't in love with.

    It's also not fair to him, if he loves you and you don't.  He deserves to find someone that will love him for him.

  11. I can tell what not to do Marry him. Get out now.

  12. Honestly, if you do not feel any sexual chemistry, then you are just friends who act like boyfriend and girlfriend.  It may sound harsh, but it is the truth.  Even though sexual chemistry should not define a relationship, you have to have it for a relationship to survive.

    You may not have chemistry based on the fact that you never see each other.  You need to have a serious talk with him and maybe take a break for a little while.  See what it is like without him in your life.  It may seem like that now, but there will be a difference when you are out and about as a "single" woman.

    Please keep me updated!

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