
Please Help want to die!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have been taking tramadol for awhile now and Now that I don't have anymore I am feeling horrable and don't know what to do? I feel like dying its so bad! Please any Help would be great Like home remidies etc?





  1. "Important information about tramadol

    You should not take tramadol if you have ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol. "

    You are having withdrawals, you will just have to suck it up.

  2. go to a hospital.


    common sense

  3. I would go to the e.r. and talk to someone.Trust me ,suicide is not the answer.Suicide is a very selfish act.My sister committed suicide,we are burying her tomorrow.It also devastates everyone around you.Call the police,get help.

  4. I'm sure no one is holding you back

  5. I don't know what tramadol is or what this drug does for you,but I do know your asking for help and that means you don't want to die.This is a good thing, try to get support from  family, friends or support groups.Try to keep focused a remember we all have purpose.

  6. nothing is great enough for death dont do this to yourself your a person to you  deserve to live a good life dont kill yourself it wont praying for you

  7. Suicide is never the answer!

  8. You are suffering withdrawal symptoms as tramadol is a narcotic pain reliever and should not be used for long periods. There are other side effects as well so you should see a doctor immediately as only a trained medical person has the knowledge to work out the correct treatment to help you. As far as I am aware there are no home remedies for drug addictions. You need professional medical help, do not rely on self help and information from the internet see a doctor NOW and I mean NOW.

  9. Go to the doctor/urgennt care place in your area and they'll almost definatly give you more

  10. I am assuming you are not saying that you actually want to take your life....just that it hurts like h**l?! So I would say rather than trying to find a home remedy just go to the hospital, they will give you something there to get you through till you can go to the dr that prescribed it. They should also send you home with something as well. Good Luck and head out, don't waste another minute hoping you can figure out a way to make it feel better.(Well unless you want to get super

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