
Please Help...what kind of prison would he go to?

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Let's say there is a boy who is 16. He shot 2 kids and they both died. What kind of prison would he go to and for how long?

Thank you very much!




  1. He would go to a maximum security juvenile detention facility, which looks and feels just like jail, and at 18 he would be transferred to a maximum security prison.  Shooting 2 kids dead would probably be murder 2 and would get him 25 to life on each count, most likely to run consecutively, so he could get out in 50 years, or when hes 66.

  2. Assuming he's tried as an adult (which is probable), he'll be sentenced to a state prison if found guilty.

    Sentencing guidelines for homicide vary from state to state, but I think it's safe to say that he'd probably be facing at least 40 years to life if the homicides were first degree murders.

  3. the  ourt will try him as a adult

  4. If there's any justice it will be to Big Bubba's house for the rest of his natural life!

  5. Presuming he did this willfully ( not an accidental shooting), he would be tried as an adult. If found guilty of murder 1 or 2, he would first go to an adult reception center ( that is a prison where all new intake inmates are sent for classification).

    Due to his age, he would then have an administrative transfer to an adult prison that has one block for juvenile offenders that have been sentenced as an adult.

    He would remain there until his 18th birthday, at which time he would be transferred to a security level prison that he would be classed to and would stay there for the remainder of his sentence.

    In terms of how long would he serve, this is too generic to answer by your question. Intent would be the deciding factor in length of term. Wilfull murder one ( two counts) would call for a minimum of 25 to life with a possibility of parole after 20 years. It would go down from there.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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