Alright, I've resently come to terms with my homosexuality, choosing to keep it to myself for know however. I need a little advice though.
It all started when I was younger in Middle School, I'm eighteen at the moment by the way. Basically I was picked on by the way I talked, and how I acted. Apparently due to my demeanor everyone that didn't know me that well thought I was g*y. Looking back now, I could understand why. I talked basically like Jack from Will and Grace, and to an extent acted the same as well. I didn't do it on purpose, it was Eventually everyone got to me, and over the course of graduating to High School I changed DRASTICALLY. I changed my appearence, how I talked, acted, etc: It was so drastic as a matter of fact, that my friends who I've known my entire life didn't even recognize me. I also became reserved. I repressed any idea of being g*y because It wasn't a possibility. I tried dating girls on different occasions, mainly because I thought it was the thing to do. But during these occasions I had no interest in them what-so-ever. Instead of becoming closer as a couple, it seemed that we were just becoming really really good friends. There was no intimacy at all, basically because I didn't feel comfortable with it. The dating thing went on again about, oh, three months ago? But it was just the same scenario. This girl was crazy about me, and still is now believe it or not. But during our time together she just gave up on me. She thought that my lack of intimacy was an oppurtunity for me to grow and become comfortable on my own, but when I didn't she put two and two together I suppose.
Apparently women are the most clever beings on the planet, because she told me the other day that she worried that I was g*y even BEFORE we went out. XD I found that to be rather........shocking.
Was repressing my feelings the wrong thing to do? I mean, I'd find myself looking at guys, still do XD, having these weird thoughts that were completely against anything I was taught. But I didn't see the problem with it. I still don't.
But anyway, I want to tell my close friends but can't think of a way to do it. I know they won't belive me, mainly because I don't seem like the kind of guy who'd BE g*y. But there are more then just the stereotpical Drama Queen g**s, ya know? I'm afraid they won't take me seriously because they have associated me with being "straight" for so long. What do I do?
Also, I live in a pretty low beat, one horse town if you would? I have no idea where to meet a nice guy. I mean, I know some other guys from school but their, oh.........what's the word. Bitchy? I mean that it no disrespect, but it's true. What do I do there? Am I going to have to wait until I can get out on my own? Or do I just go looking? :D