
Please I need a lot of help?

by  |  earlier

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Hi guys, I wouldn´t be asking this, if I weren´t really desperate, I´m in a contest to win VIP tickets and the oportunity to backstage with my favorite group of all time, the only thing that I need to win are votes and I´m really behind, please could you help me with a vote?, the link to vote is :

the site is in spanish, but after you give a click in the link a comment will appear and a picture of mifavorite group under the picture will appear the words "cool" and "out" if you want to give me one more vote you have to click the word "cool" and a vote will be addeded, I will be really thankful with you guys!! please help me :)




  1. of coure i will vote for you and i really hope you win the tickets!!!!!!!!

    hey i know spanish do you???????

  2. i did. hope u win! (give me best answer plz.)

  3. Well I voted I was the 415th!

  4. I was vote 423..hope you win! LOL

  5. i tried to vote more than once but couldn't lol


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