My horse (16 yr olf Througherbred mare) has a lump underneath her head and about 5cms from her chin (basically near her lymph nodes)
we had the vet out today and he is going to biopse it on thursday.
She has had it longer than a month, she is showing no signs of illness, she doesnt feel and pain from it, her breathing is normal and she is eating normally.
she is a 'live out' horse and has access to a field shelter, she has about 16 Acres of grass to graze in along with our other horse.
I do not think it is strangles as the other horse has never had it nor has mine.
The swelling is about the size of a walnut and is sort of soft yet slightly hard.
What could this be. I have heard it may be due to the build up of aluminium and mercury (found in vaccines), allergic reaction, abbsess (she has had a history of abbsesses in her foot), or some form of cyst.
Please help, all advice or ideas are appreciated,