
Please I need some advice/help?

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I found out by surprise that I'm pregnant last week. I'm not too sure if he's happy yet because the only time he tallks to me is when he wants food or s*x. But I decided to be bold and contact his ex and tell her. She went ballistic. She's been driving past my house throwing eggs and now she has her son throwing balls. She calls my cell phone every 5 minutes and wishes horrible things to me. How can I get this woman out of my life? The cops don't help because all she does is say she is his wife andd they just leave. Yes they are getting a divorce. He already filed papers I saw them.

I just want to know how to get her to leave me, my fiance and our unborn baby alone.

Please I need some advice/help?




  1. Sorry, it's hard for me to answer this with a straight face, looking at your avatar!  HA HA!!

  2. let me spell it out for you:

    I M M A T U R E

    give that baby up for adoption and grow up before you have s*x again.

  3. Look call the cops. Make sure to tell her to get a ******* life. He is in love with you not that ***** of an ex.

  4. So how many time are you going to ask this question? His wife went ballistic not his ex. He is still married. You are the mistress and you need to stay in your place. Getting pregnant is going to leave you alone.

  5. She is HIS problem, not yours.  Why in the h**l did you ever call her and tell her that you were pregnant?  It's none of her business.  She may be his wife, but she is harassing YOU, and it needs to stop.  Go to the magistrate's office and take a warrant out on her and file a restraining order against her.  Since she has her son in on it too, there may be a contributing to the delinquency of a minor charge too.  Go to the magistrate.

  6. Why do you keep asking us questions if you are not going to take the advice given? I thought he had kicked you in the face on Friday after finding out you got pregnant, after you went off your BC behind his back! And she is still his wife even if you have seen "papers" unless you have seen the final divorce decree! Who is being more abusive to you him or her? Why are you still with someone who would hit at much less when you are pregnant? IF ANY OF THIS IS EVEN REAL! I hope you are a troll and all of this is made up like Frank at least he admits to being fake.  

  7. Okay how can you stop someone from acting like this?Put res.order on the B***H.

  8. You are the kind of girl that gives women in general a bad name.  Why the h**l would you call his ex if you were not looking for trouble?  You are creating your own chaos can't you see that?  She is his wife until they are divorced, it doesn't matter what papers you saw.  If he only talks to you when he's hungry or horny what the h**l are you having a baby with him for?  You are very stupid and immature and you need to grow up and get help.  He sounds like a jerk and you sound like you deserve him.

  9. Girl I didn't Recognize YOU!!

    So you went and got yourself KNOCKED UP!!  You are an IDIOT!!

  10. One more time, BLa BLa BLa BLa.

  11. I think you sould not have called her in the first place.  If you did not want her in your life why the heck did you call her in the first place?  Sounds like you were "rubbing it in".  Karma is a mother.  You sould not have even been involved let alone get pregnant with a married man.  Good Luck and I wish your unborn child peace.

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