
Please I really need some help with this dream!!

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ok so it goes like this-

I'm in my room at night and then look down on the floor and there are papers that tell me how to build a roller coaster. So I build it. Right there in my bedroom. When I'm done, it lights up like a blueish glowing kind of light and all around underneath it on the ground there are these weird intricate designs. They also have glowing blue light bursting out of them. So then, me and my brother get on the coaster and we ride it. We are both terrified because its going like REALLY fast and then water starts rising up from nowhere on the ground and pretty soon, it starts to like storm and stuff and there's thunder and lightning and then all of a sudden, the coaster comes to a complete STOP and its so hard and jerky that we both fall out and land in the water. And then we are swimming and the waves are all crashing around and the lightning is striking and the thunder is booming and the coaster is still glowing blue but you can't see the floor anymore because the water is grayish and it hides the light. We have just made it to the part of the roller coaster where the water stops. And then we climb on And I wake up.




  1. I think it means you are having trouble with some off your plans of the furture and you think they will turn out bad. I am not sure.

  2. you will have your life's dream posted before, but it will be limited.

    but if you fear your accomplishment, it will collapse before your eyes. but it can be recovered

  3. If you look at the symbols it can kind of lead you;

    roller coaster- a wild ride

    you built it- you have the control

    storms usually mean trouble coming

    waves crashing- things crashing around you

    something in your life that you are building or pursuing could start

    out exciting and end up crashing around you.

  4. Dang, well you being told how to construct something says that maybe you do things without thinking? Or maybe some1 has told you that your influenced easily? Idk.. Ive never had anything like that so I hop my 2 cents helps you out. Sorry I wish I could tell you but that sounds really complex in a way.

    By complex I mean just so weird.. I might come back and edit my anser

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