
Please I some advice for my cousin who is with a broken leg?

by Guest61878  |  earlier

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My 10 year old cousin fell of the basement stairs and broke his tibia in two places, he's in crutches. The cast will be on for the next 6-8 weeks. He asked me to post a question about some topics:

It's been some days after the break and he's still in some pain, he told me he can't sleep well at night, he wakes up in the morning with some pain, this is bothering him. The second(this question is really mine) is he is trying to relieve the itching introducing something in his cast, I want to prevent he get an infection in his leg or some damage, what can he do for the itching? and the third one, he's going to start school on wednesday adn he's nervous about it, he wants answers about his security and how he can take care of himself in the school building and he's nervous about starting in a new school, he's a starting school a week later(school started on august 18, he will go on wednesday) because of his leg, and he thinks that is a problem to start later and with a full leg cast, he doesn't know anyone. Thanks so much to the community for your answers, and if you have an idea for one of the questions, no problem, all of the helful ideas are very welcome, He will be very grateful too.




  1. Right now i have two broken bones in my leg and I'm starting out in a new school to and its going to be really hard at first but after a while it well be fine tell him he should talk to his teacher about someone helping him out maybe someone holding his backpack when hes walking cause its really hard to hold something and have to walk around. Also tell him that if you put baby powder down his cast to help his skin so it doesn't dry out.

  2. Starting school in a cast is a great ice breaker.  He will have an instant topic of conversation, his leg.  Every kid will want to know what happened so they will talk to him and offer to help with doors and books etc.  Instant friends.

    The pain should be going away by now.  That is a question for his doctor. You will want to make sure it is set properly and healing correctly.

    As for the itch...don't scratch.  Mind over matter. the skin gets soft so infection is easy if the surface is broken and bacteria gets in.  You can't see the leg, so you wont know.  Just don't scratch.

    Ask the doctor about hard bottom casts/walking boots and if they can change the cast every week or two.  This allows for shower or bath of the body part and better cast fit and healing, less itching and you can check for sores.  

  3. Your worry and concern about ur cousin sounds so sincere.

    With regard to the pain I think that one of his parents should contact the doctor and make them fully aware of his pain. Since the pain is keeping him awake he is not resting properly and in this is a major concern.

    Benadryle may help him with the itching and help him sleep. But don't have him take any meds without the consent of an adult.

    A friend of mine with a leg cast would use a back scratcher to scratch inside a cast. Wooden ones are better because they won't break as easily as plastic ones.

    The use of crutches is not easy, not everyone can walk with them.

    It sounds like an adult needs to speak to your school principal for assistance. Your cousin needs to either get temporary home schooling or be allowed to get out of his classes with enough time to walk to his next class and with the assistance of another student to help carry his books & stuff. The school should be more then happy to accommodate his temporary needs.

    Your cousin is very lucky to have you to share his concerns.

    'Cuz, I would be nervous too.

    It may get to be frustrating situation. But ur cousin will probably find many new friends because of this situation.

    I would also advise him not to be shy about asking others to help him when he needs help. Most people are nice about

    trying to help someone in need.

    Edit: As far as scratching, Saint is right....scratching can  

    cause an infection. Soo......ask the doctor about this as well.

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