
Please My dog is really sick. No vet until tomorrow.?

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My 10 y.o pointer mix Buddy Love is very sick. She is throwing up and she seems like she feels really sick. Our vet isn't open until tomorrow morning. Please help.

Thank-you & God Bless




  1. well mayb sit beside her(could b gross but) you know jus soothe her and keeep her calm and reassure her she is safe and ok


  2. Try to give Medications.

  3. i would call a 24 hr vet (if you can get to one that would be better) but at least see if you can talk with a vet there and get some advice. i did that once with my dog and they told me what to do to keep him comfy and safely as possible until the next morning...and maybe what it could be (he was sorta right lol). good luck

  4. You can give your dog pepto bismol to help with her upset stomach. It is one mililiter per 10 lbs. good luck and i hope your doggy pulls through.

  5. You can give her pedialyte for kids to make sure she wont get dehydrated. If she won't take it you can put it in a med. dropper.

    My vet told me to give it to my beagle once when he had a upset stomach.

  6. Take her food and water away , and don't leave her alone. drinking water will only make her vomit. Just give her small amounts of water until you can get her to the vet. Most vets have a 24 hr answering service for emergencies if she seems too sick to wait.  Wish you luck for her. Hope she will be ok.  

  7. I'm sure they have an emergency number or answering service.Call the vets phone number.Tomarrow may be too late.I know you want to keep Buddy Love safe and well.

  8. You can give the dog pepto bismol just about one see if she tolerates it. If buddy vomits blood you might want to take the dog to a 24 emergency vet. Good luck.

  9. If you are really concerned do a search for a 24hr vet...

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