
Please! Nadal uses "gamesmanship" tactics constantly.?

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Trying to intimidate by using his "boxer" like movements, taking too much time between points, getting coached during matches, compulsively fixing everything, etc. And, taking that medical time out was disgraceful! He should take some lessons from Federer and play with honesty and class.




  1. No,I really do believe that you are mistaken here.

    Rafa has been making that clenched fist "c'mon" gesture since he was a young boy and it was never meant to intimidate. It's a purely juvenile expression of "Wow! Hey! Did you just see what I did? I can't believe it!"...or when the going is tough ,he uses it to encourage himself!! not to intimidate others. You are reading his body language all wrong.

    Have you ever heard an interview with him in Spanish? He must be one of the politest,mildest-mannered kids around. Even the New York Times did an article about how amazingly polite and sweet mannered he was for a tennis star! In his English interviews he can't always express himself so well and maybe you haven't been able to see this quality.

    He IS compulsive about things during his match,that's true, but I doubt that it is done to upset anybody. Those players are under so much pressure on court that each of them has developed strategies over the years to help themselves deal with their nerves. Almost all the players have some quirk like this or another.

    He plays in all the great tournaments where there are no lack of referrees and judges who could call him out on what you see as rule breaking(taking too much time;getting coached). That's what all those people are there for. If they don't call him on it,why should I take a rival fan's word for it? When he has been admonished(hardly ever), he has accepted the penalty or the admonition. He never indulges in racket breaking or throwing.

    He is not the only player to take time out for an injury. Anyway,in last year's Wimbledon Rafa did it when he was winning and Federer was really hot and flustered. That time out gave Fed the time he needed to reconnect and get his game together. Did you complain then about Rafa's time out? I doubt it.

    I can't understand some fans. Both Rafa and Federer never stop saying how much they like and admire each other. Federer does not say these things about Rafa. How can you?

    I think that Fed is one of the greatest players of all time,if not THE best. Do you know why I feel sure that I am right about this? because Rafa Nadal says so,and he should know!

  2. Dishonest tactics ?! Im afraid i disagree with you entirely. Rafa is an amazing sportsman and his never resorted to your apparent ``tactics`` to win any match. Your really out of line for this question. Your a sore loser and just mad because your precious Roger lost fair n square yet again to the king of clay. As for #1Novak, im shocked at what you said, the things you listed are simply not tactics but Rafa showing his emotions when he`s on the court, he pumps his fist when he gets an awesome point its exciting for his fans and is good he is able to express himself like that. The running back of the court its one of his character traits, he always does that every single match ever since he joined the tour. Seriously these arent tactics. He by no means pumps his fist with arrogance. What about Novak thumping his chest shouting ``iam king`` or that thing he does with his finger viciously points out with it, or his ball bouncing (which i can accept however seems to get worse when he`s losing) thats very off putting for his opponent. Soooo I reckon both you ladies have got your knickers in a twist and should rethink what player really uses tactics to win on court...Rafa or Novak ? Hmm

    Even Roger Federer knows Rafa isnt like that he respects him an awful lot !!! Its shocking the amount of people who pick on Rafa for that once incident in hamburg he didnt have a ``serious`` injury thank god, but his hamstring was tightening up he needed a good massage off his trainer he was playing the world #1 for friggin sake Rafa knows he must be 100% at his best to beat him and with the long match against Novak the previous day it had taken its toll on his body a little. Rafa did the decent thing called for the trainer when had just got a break back...... So rafa doesnt use tactics on the court, he`s a true fighter and has the highest respect for all players each and every single one he plays whether its the #1 or 400th ranked in the world. He is a gentlemen just like Roger and is very very mannerly person. I think ive said my piece and stick by every word, you are simply talking rubbish.

    Gab V completely agree with you :) well said !!!

  3. You've got to be kidding me! He is the exact oppostie of what you think. He is superstitious and takes a bit of time to serve but he is defenately honest and classy. He is still young and he can really do what ever celebration he wants to while Federer is older and must act like a gentlemen. Try looking at Novak Djokovic...he intimidates people, and takes a lot of "injury time-out" as well as the bounce, bounce boune...

    If you look it up, Nadal has never thrown down a raquet in his life. He respectsthe sport and loves it. He's truly world class>

  4. very well said, gabriela v

  5. I agree with gabriela v's answer totally.. very well said :)

  6. rafa does play with honesty and class... just like a good mate of his... roger.

    if you really think nadal would use bad tactics against not only just a tennis player, but a good friend of his, then you obviously havent reaslied what a sweet, gentle, and honest man he is.

    nadal is one of the most honest people in the game, in fact, id say the top three were the most honest people you can get. even djokovic, whom i dont particulary like, can always be relied to give up the point if he thinks the call was wrong.

    stop with ur pettiness its just silly.

  7. He plays with more honesty and class than most people out there and even Federer says hes a great player and is a great guy. Just because he always wins on clay doesn't mean he has to cheat.

  8. Did he do it again??

    He just has a lot of weird ticks and superstitions, and the opponent just has to laugh at that. He used to line his water bottles up a specific way, but got over that. He doesn't take forever between serves anymore.

    Its important for the umpires to charge a player points when they do sheet like that, like Jelena got yesterday.

  9. gabriela v - you are dead-on-balls-accurate in your comments. Nicely stated.

    The better example of gamesmanship, stalling tactics and abuse of medical time out is best looked at in the current world #3 player.....getting coached during matches, quitting matches when on the receiving end of a tennis lesson, being told by the family WHEN to question a line call when hawkeye is being used (refer Australian Open 08, US Open 07, Monte Carlo 08), boorish, intimidating tactics on court, time wasting by bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce,bounce, bounce, bounce,bounce, bounce, bounce.....

  10. Whatever work for him. Novak like to bounce the ball many times, Nadal like taking his time....etc... In the end, it is who win that people will remember many years from now, not who is the perfect gentlemen. If other players are intimidated by his "boxer" like movements then they are just too weak mentally and can only have themselves too blame but Roger Federer is not bother by that and he should win this French Open since Nadal will have to play Novak in the semifinal and that will be a grueling 5 sets match. Roger will have an easier draw.

  11. You must be a bit delusional - Rafa is one of the most sportsmanlike players on the circuit.

    He takes a lot of time between points because he is trying to get his heart rate down to serve again.  And yes, so he is a bit obsessive compulsive but so what, everyone is to a certain extent - the only difference is he has a camera observing his every little ritual while we carry out ours in blissful privacy...

    If you are after someone who doesn't have a lot of gamemanship, try Novak Djokovic - terrible

  12. Lessons from Federer?  You mean like criticizing his opponent  (Murray) right after he got beat by him in the first round of Dubai?  Or do you mean how he conveniently claims that he has mono to explain his string of losses, yet still continues to play, defying all known medical logic about the effects of mono and the time it takes to recover?  Which one, tell us please, because you're really making no sense whatsoever.

  13. Leave Rafa alone. The sport was totally boring with Roger Ramjet dominating everyone else until Nadal came along. You sound like a sour grapes Federer supporter becasue Rafa is the one who can beat him time and time again. Tennis, more than any other sport, needs opposing contrasting personalities. Think about Becker/Edberg, Connors/Borg or even Evert/Goolagong. All of these people were from different worlds as are Rafa and Roger, who totally respects the young spaniard. Would you prefer a totally up-himself Djokovic (with no real respect for Fed-Ex) to be the one defeating  Roger? Leave the Young Spaniard alone

  14. Nadal is from a different culture and people from other cultures have different beliefs to Americans and so they look different, they behave differently etc.  It doesn't mean they are rude or trying to be rude, it's just that they see things differently.  Nadal is one of the most down to earth persons and everything he does on court he has been doing since he was a child.  It's embedded in him.. You would be surprise to learn how many of them have superstitions.  Do not for get also that Nadal and others are also very young they still have childish behaviors.  Nadal has always been running around the court and behaving like that since he started playing tennis.

  15. Well, I believe that every player has their method of intimidation, or distraction. Some players show it by their position on the court to return serve, some show it by going for big second serves continually, shouting/moaning when playing points, taking long pauses during points. It doesn't mean all players who take pauses or shout try to intimidate, some need those for regrouping mentally, and maintain focus. I cannot say whether Nada took those timeouts with the intention of cheating, but it seemed alittle untimely. So if a tennis fan sees that, they are FREE to accuse him of cheating. So if a player does things that it viewed as cheating in the eyes of players/fans, then they open up themselves to negative critique.

    Nadal saying things about Federer would not mean he won't cheat, and vice versa. But I believe that both these players won't need to cheat, because they have game. It can be emphasised though, that Federer doesn't do things viewed as cheating, because his talent is suffice. That's maybe Nadal says he is the best. As a Federer fan, I would say he is the most fair, decent player out there, because he allows his talent to speak. Nadal is personable off court...that's a difference.

  16. Are you talking about Nadal or Djokovic?

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