
Please! PLEASE! begging u!!! answer my chemistry question...---->?

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why should u add acid to water and not another acid??




  1. When you add an acid to water all you are doing is diluting the acid in question. However, when you add an acid and an acid together, you have now created a solution which involves two (or more) acidic chemical species that can effect one another. (depending on the mixture). In short, you now have two acids instead of one dilute acid.  

  2. When you mix acid and water, the acid is diluted and its ion groups are separated. Like HCl is separated to H+ and Cl-. This separation can cause a violent reaction to occur if the acid and water are not mixed in the right order because ions don't like to be separated. They like a full valence.

    Water causes the separation. So when you pour water into acid, you get a violent reaction because the little bit of water you poured in is trying to separate the many molecules of acid who don't want to be separated. It's like trying to disperse a mob with one police officer. So if you have more separators (water) with a little bit of separatees (acid), the reaction goes a lot smoother and you don't end up with burns from reaction splashes.

    Also the stronger the acid the more violent the reaction, since they have 100% ion dissociation in water.


    I just realized, I forgot about the other part of the question.

    Ok you pour acid into water to dilute the acid or to make it weaker. If you pour acid into acid, it really doesn't do anything. They won't take protons(H+) from each other, trade atoms, or anything. So I say they don't react. I think in my organic lab we mixed two acids together and nothing happened until we added heat to it.  

  3. try just type in the question and sometimes you get an answer

  4. better question which would you rather have splashed on you? because when you add water to acid there is a chance that acid might splash.  also i think the heat of mixing plays a role in this as well i can't remember exactly what though. check it out.

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