
Please Please Help me, How can i Concentrate On Running!

by Guest31898  |  earlier

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Well, I'm trying to Look Better and lose 15 pounds before school starts, But Everytime I go On the Tredmile I go on for 2 mins. for real!!!

Then i give up!

i really love exersize

but im to lazy and stuff to do it

i get bored soooo freaking easly on the tredmile, but i need it!!

help me not get bored!





  1. I ran for my highschool and you got two things wrong with your approach.  you are by yourself and your on a treadmill.  In four years i think i used a treadmill twice.  Its so boring and gives you lack of motivation.  And running with someone also makes you go out on those days you are absolutely dreading it.  And losing 15 lbs. isn't easy.  You may want to incorperate some resistance trainging into your workout.  it helps give your body more calorie burning ability.  and the only reason all distance kids are thin and twig like is because all they do is run.  like 7-10 miles at a time. So good luck with your training.

  2. Have you considered running outside, off the treadmill?  Start with a combination of running and walking.  There's alot more interesting stuff outside.  Also, try to find some other people to run with, that really makes it less boring.  Good luck.


  3. You know why you get bored that fast? It's because your alone. It's really boring doing something if your alone. Why don't you try ask you friend, brother, sister, parents or somebody that will accompany you.    

  4. 15 pounds is really stretching it.

    i ran the whole year and i gained weight :D

    anyway. try music. bring your ipod.

    or maybe your treadmill has one of those tvs on it xD

    just push to lose weight. GL

  5. running on a treadmill = feeling like a hamster on a wheel. try outside for sure.

  6. watch tv and listen to music. try running outside its much more entertaining.

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