
Please Please help me I'm super desperate!!!!?

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Yesterday I had a pool party 10 people were there including my crush/friend and another friend who I think like my crushas well. So at like 10:30 at night when it wasd dark we went swiming. Me and my crush started to slpash eachother. He said it was unfair (jokingly) and I said it wasn't and said it would be unfair if I dunked him. So then he grabed my shoulders and dunked me. I then tried to dunk him and I couldn't. He dunks me like 30 times and we were REALLY close. and I also tried to dunk him. then my then my other friend who might like him tried to dunk him a few times but he really didn't care and kept trying to dunk me. Even if I was talking to someone he would still sneak behind me and dunk me.Does he Like me? Does he like my other friend? Does she really like him? She really doesn't leave him alone? But he didn't care when she tried to dunk him. HELP!? I need to get him alone without my other friend but first I need to get her to admit she likes him but won't tell me!




  1. Im sure he likes u!! ur friend just has to look for someone who will like her!! this time u WON!! haha

  2. I think that he really likes you or wants to be very good friends with you...because if he didn't like you a lot, he wouldn't be around you or try to be around you often...I think he's aware that your other friend is there, but I don't think that he feels that way about her...but please, if you and your crush start dating or admit  your feelings but choose to date later, don't let your other friend get in the way...that happened to me once and our friendship was destroyed....badly.

  3. uhhmmm, he prolly likes you.

    who knowsss..

    maybe he likes her.

    is she prettyer than you?

  4. You like him, She likes him, He likes you.

  5. If he doesn't like you then he must be a very flirtacious boy.

    so basically he likes you, you like him along with your friend  but you must wait until high school to date

  6. ooooo well i think he likes you. and when you guys get into highschool i think you guys will go out.. and your other friends definatley likes him. it was plain as day. just askjk her about it. then ask her politely if she would back off your man. if she says no... punch her LOL just kidding. if she doens't back off tell her how much you like him, and how it would mean SO MUCH to you if she backed off.. and see where it goes from there.

  7. ask him over again to go swimming and see how he asked. Cal him up and say I'm bored and no ones around wanna come over and go swimming. As for you friend, ask her again, or maybe tell her how you feel about him and see how she reacts. Good Luck

  8. Don't start acting desprate, you'll scare him away =]

    Sorry, it's just I've seen one of my friends do this so many times.. Just keep flirting until he's allowed to date! Best of Luck! =]

  9. sounds like he is interested.  a little flirting might be in order, so that you can test his reaction

  10. Don't get him alone near the water or he may drown you.

  11. Ok, he likes you or he wouldn't have paid as much attention to you, especially when you were talking to other people he wanted enough of your attention to dunk you.  He sort of ignored your other friend so he prefers you.  But since he doesn't want to date until high school, whenever that will be, you can still be friends and learn how boys and girls communicate comfortably, share ideas and thoughts and fun.  Of course, things may change by the time high school rolls around--you may not feel as attracted to him as you do now, he may find some other girl more alluring, etc., but it may turn out that since you two already know each other and can openly talk, it's a lot easier for a friendship to evolve into something more.  You just can't tell from here.  Whatever your other (girl) friend feels is really her business.  You cannot contol the boy's feelings and if he likes you better, so be it.  It is up to him to tell her to leave him alone or not.  If she doesn't feel she wants to compete with you or even let you know she is interested in the same boy, too bad.  You can still be friends with her but just be aware that in high school she may try to compete with your for the boy's affection and your friendship with her may fall apart.  Right now, just concentrate on having a nice friendship with the guy.  You don't have to date but still can go to the movies and other things together--maybe with a few other friends along so you're a group, not a date.

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