
Please Rate/ Fix My Gladiator Beast Deck?

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Monsters - 20

1X Sangan

1X Morphing Jar

1X Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1X Gladiator Beast Murmillo

1X Gladiator Beast Secutor

1X Elemental Hero Stratos

1X Spirit Reaper

2X Gladiator Beast Laquari

2X Gladiator Beast Darius

2X Elemental Hero Prisma

2X D.D Crow

2X Test Tiger

3X Gladiator Beast Bestiari

Spells - 10

1X Mystical Space Typhoon

1X Reinforcement of the Army

1X Heavy Storm

1X Brain Control

1X Premature Burial

1X Gladiator Proving Ground

1X Monster Reborn

1X Smashing Ground

2X Book of Moon

Traps - 10

1X Mirror Force

1X Trap Dustshoot

1X Torrential Tribute

1X Crush Card Virus

3X Bottomless Trap Hole

3X Solemn Judgment

Fusions - 7

1X Reaper on the Nightmare

1X Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

3X Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1X Sanwitch

1X Elemental Hero Grand Neos

If you are wondering why i'm only running two Test Tiger's i'm doing it because I think there going to get limited and I don't want to waste my money.




  1. Nevermind the others, it seems they missed the point of using Prisma with GBs.

    Regardless, this looks next to flawless. 10/10

    The only real suggestion I could give would be

    -1 Bottomless

    +1 Swords of Revealing Light

    I have a suggestion for a side board if you are interested.

    Side Deck: 15

    1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

    1 Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

    1 Test Tiger

    2 Rescue Cat

    1 D.D. Crow

    1 Cold Wave

    2 Enemy Controller

    1 Gladiator Proving Ground

    1 Reinforcement of the Army

    2 Dimensional Prison

    2 Dust Tornado

  2. 8/10  to fix it take out sangan and sanwitch

  3. 9.7/10

    8.7/10 if Test Tiger stays Unlimited

    Test Tiger probably is going to get Limited IMO.

    I say

    - Bottomless

    + Mind Crush(you have BOTH Crush Card and Trap Dustshoot in there)

    I also say at least one Waboku, but I don't know what to take out

    @ Tyler R, or Cryptosporidium as you call yourself these days, Hoplomus is a non-issue, just look at Lazaro's build. If he ran one I wouldn't tell him to take it out and if he ran none I wouldn't tell him to add one.

  4. 8/10

    im going to disagree with the whyole flawless thing edward

    waboku x2 is needed in Gb so ones like secutor and hoplomus can battle without getting destroyed

    before i finish off my Gb deck im waiting to see if gyzarus gets limited it would'nt be the first fusion monster to get limited cuz thousand eyes restrict did also i dont think test tigers will get limited (granmaster did'nt)

    laquari might get to 1 per deck

    swords of revealing light is needed

    1 hoplomus is also needed

    and side

    2 dark panther

    + 1 dark neos

  5. the gladiator beast part is well structured, but the random junk like stratos and some of the fusions should be replaced.

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