This is my friends decklist, just keep in mind its meant to be played agressively, with constant field presence.
Monsters - 19
Silva x3
Goldd x3
Bronn x3
Beige x3
Kahki x2
Cyber Dragon
Morphing Jar
D.D. Warrior Lady
New Doria
Spells - 17
Dark World Lightning x3
Dark World Dealings x3
Gateway to Dark World x3
Cheerful Coffin
Monster Reborn
My Body as a Sheild
Giant Trunade
Traps - 5
Sakuretsu x2
Forces of Darkness
Mirror Force
Total = 41 (unless i did my math wrong o.O)
Also - Please give me tips on a good side deck that can combat most decks being played today, such as Gladiators, Lightsworn, and Monarch/Control decks.
again, i cant stress this enough, this deck is meant to be played agressively, meaning, no suggestions that involve a scarr, which i know alot of you guys are gonna suggest. thnx.