
Please Rate/Help My Deck And tell me if my deck can last the good tournament like the Regional and stuff?

by  |  earlier

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x3 Rainbow Dragons

x3 Sapphire Pegasus

x2 Ruby Carbuncle

x2 or 3 Topaz Tigers?

x2 Emerald Tortoise

x2 Cobalt Eagle

x3 Amethyst Cat

x2 Amber Mammoth

x2 Gravi-Crush Dragon

x1 Magna-Slash Dragon


x2 Ancient City

x2 Crystal Beacon

x1 Crystal Abundance

x2 Crystal Promise

x2 Crystal Blessing

x1 or 2 Rare Values?

x1 Crystal Tree

x1 Terraforming

x1 Smashing Ground


x1 Mirror Force

x1 Crystal Raigeki

x2 Rainbow Gravity

x1 Torrential Tribute

x2 Crystal Pairs




  1. You dont need 3 rainbow dragons since you have 2 rainbow gravitys. Cut it down to 2. Have at least 1 copy of each crystal beast and remove a magna-slash dragon and add in a kuraz. 1 rare value is enough. Doing this will allow you to summon rainbow dragon faster. Crystal pair is definitely not needed, swich 1 crystal pair with another crystal abundance and the other crystal pair with a crystal release. Overall its a pretty good deck, but I would hate to say unless changes were to be made, FINALS will be a far touch. GOOD LUCK

  2. what I hate about people's questions are they ask is this good for a regional or higher. Unless you play what's winning then, forget it. I've told other CB players the same. I love CB but they just can't win fast enough, consistent enough. Rainbow Dragon sucks. Hamon sucks. CB has no other big monsters that are good. If they had a crystal beast version of Dark armed dragon, they would be good. Also, by looking at this Question, I believe you had the exact same question on a different page and I'm answering yours twice. I don't know I didn't look.

    3 Pegasus

    3 Tiger

    2 Carbuncle

    3 amethyst cat

    1 rescue cat

    1 snipe hunter

    3 mammoth

    1 sangan

    3 Lightning Vortex

    1 Smashing ground

    3 Abundance

    3 Beacon

    3 Blessing

    3 Promise

    3 Rainbow Ruins

    1 Terraforming

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 torrential tribute

    1 Mirror Force

  3. Its a good deck but people that go to Tournaments and Regionals don't really use theme Decks. See it takes a while to get certain strategies in themed decks. That's why the use Cyber Dragons, some Monarchs, and a lot of other cards. It will be tough but u Can probably get through to the Next round.

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