
Please Rate and Fix my Yugioh Dimentional Control Deck.?

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Monsters: 18

x3 Caius The Shadow Monarch

x1 Raiza The Storm Monarch

x1 Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi (Tech)

x1 Dark Magician Of Chaos

x3 Cyber Valley

x3 D.D. Survivor

x2 D.D. Scout Plane

x2 Armageddon Knight

x2 Gravekeeper's Spy

Spells: 12

x3 Dimensional Fissure

x2 Allure Of Darkness

x2 D.D.R.

x2 Enemy Controller

x1 Reinforcement Of The Army

x1 Brain Control

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps: 10

x3 Solemn Judgement

x2 Macro Cosmos

x3 Dark Bribe

x1 Return From Different Dimension

x1 Torrential Tribute

Valley's recycles my scout planes and D.D. Survivors while providing me with draw power. D.D.R. discards a D.M.O.C. while Dimension fissure or Macro is active and I bring him back and get a spell card back.Hino is a tech and when he comes out my opponent will be surprise when he loses his hand. With D.D. Survivor and Scout plane coming back and back I should not have trouble getting Hino to the field. The return is just if I have game or return Valley's and D.M.O.C. and draw and draw return for game.




  1. your stack is the greatest hay can i have some

  2. Very soild deck, i like the orginal approach too.  It is a 10/10. Not much you can do to improve it. Just work on a good side deck.  You caould add foolish burail if you need the speed.

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