
Please Read!! Having a lot of trouble, having s*x, after I have been away for 8 months alone. NEED ADVICE!!!?

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I have an embaressing problem, I am in the US Army and have been stationed in Moscow for the last 8 months but now I am finally home for good in New York. I have a girlfriend who I love more than anything. My problem is, that when I was away I masturbated a good amount because i wasnt with my girlfriend, now that I am back, whenever we have s*x, I can't bring myself to finish, unless I help myself. Has anyone had this problem, how do I remedy it, Is my body too used to my hand




  1. All this in in your head. So you have to break that psychological barrier that is preventing you from reaching and o****m when you are with your girlfriend. I'm sure your girlfriend knows about this problem. Reassure he that this isn't her fault and it's not because you don't find her attractive. The way to fix it would be to not m********e, not at all. And don't help yourself at all when you are having s*x. Eventually you will have an o****m even if you don't for the first few times you have s*x. Once you have an o****m with her it will break that barrier and it should cure the problem. But remember no masturbation on the side. The only sexual stimulation you should be gettting needs to come from her not you.


  2. Masturbation does not make it incapable of having s*x with a female -- if it did no straight male would be able to finish.  However, nothing is more effective at making you incapable of finishing than expecting to not be able to finish -- an expectation you clearly had. So, talk to a s*x therapist.  THe cure should be pretty easy.

    Stationed in Moscow????  According to the government we don't have any troops stationed in Moscow except a handful of marines guarding our embassy.  The Russians were furious when we started exercises in the formerly Soviet Georgia (the one in Russia, not the one in the US) -- I imagine there would be war if we started stationing troops in their capital -- I'm sure you meant to say you were stationed somewhere else.



  3. Welcome home soldier!

    How does your girlfriend react to this?  Does she see this as a big problem?  I think you need to give all of this some time before everything is back to the way it used to be.  As long as the s*x is still good and you're satisfying your girl, don't put any more pressure on yourself about how you think 's*x' is supposed to finish.

    Relax and take care of yourself and your girl.

  4. I know I'm not a guy but I think this would apply to men as well. I read that many women have trouble getting orgasms because they think about it too much. Because when you do think/worry about it too much a lot of your blood flow is in your head...uhhh...well the one on your shoulders and not where it should be, the other one (or for girls its not down there)! I had kinda the same prob, my bf could get me off in 10s no lie when we first started and then it turned to where i didnt at all! Turns out I was thinking about it too much. So try to relax and just get lost in the moment! I make my bf kiss me while its going on now and its a great distraction seriously you should try it! Just dont think about it and it'll happen.

    And if all else fails, maybe you should go to the doctor there could be something wrong or he/she could prolly fix it in a heart beat! Good Luck!

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