
Please Read!!!!! What Is Going On!?!?

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I'm posting this agian as I just deleted the other!

Without turning this into an essay here's the thing

My last period was May 2nd and I was due my next cycle on June 6th, which I missed. I am now 13 weeks late. I have taken tests and they are neg, had one blood test at docs and that was also neg.

I had brown spotting middle of June. I had a full blood count last week and the doctor found something in my blood (I've forgotten the name) which only women breast feeding get and pregnant women get. I am in for another blood test on Tuesday and at the hospital on Thursday for an ultra sound.

Has anyone been through this or have any advise please, this is really starting to get me down!




  1. Ask your doctor for a full scan, then they should be able to see something in there, weather its a baby or not.

  2. You could have had a miscarriage and it just isn't showing up on any of the tests. I know my body very well and very early on I took a pregnancy test that came out positive. Then I started spotting a little and miscarried. I know for a fact and was pregnant and the doctor said their was no way since all the tests showed nothing. Afterwards my period didn't return for a while. I don't know if this is the case with you but it is very possible. Ask them to do an ultrasound if they haven't. If that doesn't show anything then you definitly aren't preganant now.

  3. If you are pregnant, the only thing they would find in your blood that would indicate pregnancy is HCG, only pregnancy causes this to show up in blood. That is how a pregnancy test works, by detecting HCG levels. If you are 13 weeks late and for sure pregnant, you would actually be 15 weeks pregnant, into your 2nd trimester already, and a home pregnancy test would for sure come up positive. There are other reasons for missing your period such as stress. As for finding something in your blood, unless it's HCG I wouldn't think you're pregnant.

  4. Do as your doctor tells you! Yes you can get neg results in anything I was 9 weeks along before they found my daughter 4 neg blood test and one neg ultra sound.  of course the 5th was the charm.  

    Also cyst can cause a lot of problems especially inside of the uterus, they can grow and obstruct things and actually mimic a pregnancy.  If they are attached to your ovaries they can make them over produce oestrogen to fake a false neg or a false positive. I have had 4 cysts do that to me one actual pregnancy that happened during taking the pill a cyst developed on my ovary I was still ovulating when I shouldn't have been the cyst popped I got pregnant on the pill lost the baby though.  This time around it was the cysts that were causing the false neg PT test and the false ultra sounds.  Its crazy but it happens try to relax and just keep going on as if you are until then actually tell you other wise. take care let us know what happens.

  5. hmm 13 weeks late? and all those tests are neg, tests can't be wrong but rarely wrong, do you have those signs:

    Are u off to those food you usually eat?,

    Do u feel sick, tired?

    Tender, swollen b*****s?

    Implantation bleeding or cramping. 3. About eight days after ovulation, you may experience implantation spotting, a slight staining of a pink or brown colour, as well as some cramping. This is caused by the egg burrowing into the endometrial lining. You might also see some spotting around the time you expect your period.

    A missed period. If you're usually pretty regular and your period is late, it's worth trying a pregnancy test. A missed period is the surest sign of pregnancy in a woman of childbearing age who usually has regular periods.  

    If you have those signs so you are possible are pregnant, but best wait till you get the results from hospital. good luck

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