
Please Sombody Help Me...Please Answer My Question With Advise!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So this morning I finally got my new mattress!! They set it up, I signed the papers... just like I ordered a plush pillowtop. My girlfriend and I wasted no time breaking it in. After we did our thing I went to rip the tags off the mattress I noticed it was a different brand than I ordered. After investigating I realized I recieved a much more valuable mattress than I purchaced. I also noticed on the tags it's from an entire different mattress store. I don't know what to do? Should I call the Mattress store and tell them what happened? Looking the prices up on the internet this mattress is about $1000 more than the one I ordered. I cannot afford to pay the difference and if I call them up and if they want to exhange it The Poor people that get this expensive bed will be getting a bed that I have had intercourse on.......What should I do?!?!?! What will they do?? ..THEY ARE CALLING NOW AND IM SCARED TO ANSWER THE PHONE...Will they smell my scent of the mattress?!?!?!




  1. Chill out... Everything should be okay... they made a mistake and they have not legal right to make you pay for it. They might just be calling you to make sure you got the mattress. If they messed up, they will just switch it out- not a big deal. They will not smell s*x on the mattress. hahaha... Just answer the phone and see what they want. If they ask you to check the type of mattess, do it and act like you had no idea. If you do not want to lie, tell them you were so confused and was not sure what to do. Good Luck.

  2. They cannot, by law sell a used matress, they will be wanting their money, dont pay.They have no legal leg to stand on and you sould never admit that you knew it was the wrong one.

  3. That sounds suspicious, call the police.

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