
Please State Your Views On <span title="this....................!?">this....................!...</span>

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  1. What a sick minded fool

  2. i&#039;m sorry but this is just giving a bad name to us Muslims :S

    and that guy is ridiculous for doing this =(  

  3. I dont even know!!!!

  4. When in Rome.....

  5. I have no respect for the Muslim faith.

  6. That man is distorting the shia religion and he should be put in jail. Yes, shia&#039;s do hit themselves but not aggressively and they don&#039;t use sharp tools such as, zanjeer etc!!

  7. crazy. I&#039;ts a crazy, crazy world. crazy!

  8. I think that man is mentally retarded..using his kids like their his ticket to heaven..sick c**p. Seriously it makes me furious to see that they practice slef-harm when in islam it is prophibited to harm one self also how can they enforce their sickening opinions onto their children, if they truly loved allah (swt) and the blessings allah (swt) gave him then he would never misuse them.

  9. Disgusting. How can any normal sane person think its ok to make kids hurt themselves like this?

    So what is your view on this?

  10. is that a ritual in the shia tradition? sick!

  11. Sick freak. Injuring oneself is haram.

  12. He&#039;s given a bad name to s**+&#039;as.

  13. That&#039;s awful, that sort of behaviour from a grown man is NOT a part of Islam, he should be punished severely for abusing children in that way. People like that give a bad name to muslims, it&#039;s wrong

  14. Just another raving lunatic who is draining this country of resources.  We now have to keep him in prison at the tax payers&#039; expense.

  15. Oh my god.

    that is sooo wrong....

    he should be prosecuted.

  16. That is sick! &gt;:(

  17. Another sick Shia custom, invented by them, which they unlawfully ascribe to islam! Istaghfirullaah! May Allah guide them, and open their eyes!! These people are responsible for the &quot;barbaric&quot; image of islam!! BUT FLOGGING AND OTHER SELF INITIATED INJURIES(ON PURPOSE), IS HARAM!!! Our body belongs to Allah! So, we should treat it accordingly!!

  18. *I was going to write my honest truths here but i couldn&#039;t express the amount of anger i am feeling right now.*

    I just threw up a little in my mouth,

    they are just kids...

  19. oh my god

    he is giving bad name to us muslims

  20. w/salaam

    OMG thats so riduclous

    and sickly and cruel

    is he mad or sth

    he is just giving muslims a bad name

    did i meantion he did something very cruel?&gt;

    read this too: (i knwo its a loooooong time ago...but...still)

    if it doesnt open...dont bother..lolz

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