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  1. That is a disgrace! Why are they picking on that old man? So immature!

    ...and I see the owner of that video is called 'Bradistani' assuming that its a British Pakistani living in Bradford. No wonder people get a bad impression of British asians when you have goofballs like this hanging around.

    See, this is why no one wants to live in Bradford because you have hooligan chavs like this everywhere.

    The nicer places in the UK, such as Surrey, are much more pleasant and don't have chavs. Alhamdullilah.

  2. The video really reminded me of this one lol haha 'cos they've both obviously been made by maseirs who have too much time on their hands, and/or who never miss the opportunity to pull their camera phones out to record something, anything, everything, that could be/would be YouTube material (but sometimes I record stupid things aswell).

  3. wow not cool  

  4. OMG.. that is so rude..

    Low life's... dont they have anything better to do in life than to harass the elderly.??


  5. these people  are so pathetic. all they can do is drive around and harass elderly people.  They really need to get a life

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