
Please Tell Me This Doesnt Mean I Think Im Too Good For Him!?!?

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I get kind of embarrassed when i think about my boyfriend and i.

Its weird because i think about like us hugging and kissing good bye and i get all like embarrassed that we did that...This may make like no sense but i just dont know what this means.

I like him a lot dont get me wrong but sometimes i just get embarrassed when thinking about him.

We are freshman btw.

My boyfriends not ebarrasssing and hes really cute and sweet im just embarrassed sometimes and i have NO idea why.

i dont care about what people think so please dont say that i just get this feeling A LOT.

But i REALLY like him...which makes this even more weird.


Oh and its not blushing its like full on OMG!!! major embarrassment!!!




  1. it feels weird because kissing is something so personal and intimate ,I don't think you feel you're to good for him,It's just a good kind of awkward and maybe you'll get over it when you're with him for a while or not,It's just important that you don't feel that way when you're actually with him

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