
Please Tell Me What You Think Of My Poem "Gerbil"?

by  |  earlier

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For a year I’d been trapped in my cage,

All alone, not a friend or an enemy near;

Only Them, Those who kept me, and watched me, and fed me.

I’d die in that cage, it was clear.

As I ran in my wheel and I dreamt

Of the world; something real, something new, something clean…

I could see all the trees, I could feel the warm breeze

But I knew I was far from such green.

But at last I grew sick of that style of life

I should eat what I find in the grass, not a bowl,

I should drink from a pond, and be free just to wander.

If only I knew how it feels to be whole.

So when He came to feed me, I jumped on His arm

And I leapt from the drag of my world.

In a frenzy, I ran through the room and escaped

Just one breath of true life, then the images swirled.

When I woke, I was back on the bed of my cage

And I wondered if life is a dream.

Even now as I scratch at the glass with my paws

I remember the small piece of world that I’ve seen.

And I know that I’ll try to the day that I die

To escape and be free once again.

In that second I lived and I lived, If I’d died

I would not have known life till the end.




  1. ******************************+

    That was wonderful? Has a 'loved one' died recently?

    if so, it is sweet that you right poems about it! Brava!

  2. w0w';;; iTS AMAZZING;; IT JUST D0ESNT G0 F0R A [ANiMAL] GERBiL iT CAN G0 F0R HUMANS T00;;....!!

    ************ = AMAZiNG

  3. I like creative writing too so I'm going to be honest. The swirled images is unclear although your imagery is very strong. I like the poem, at least, I want to like it but it's very cheesey and the theme is nothing new or shocking. I like your writing technique thoough. You really should try writing something else. I think that your character is a bit too tragic; he is dead before he leaves the cage and that could be something beautiful but it is lost in the clichés and the melodrama of his plight.

    I hope you realise I'm only being honest to help you! Keep going, you are very talented!!

  4. i like it, yes.

    not to take away from the meaning, but why did the gerbil pass out?

  5. That's really good! But the ending is actually kinda confusing...what happened to the gerbil? And why do the images swirl?

  6. Thats a good poem! Yeah i got the part that he passed away at the images swirled, but i think you can use a little more detail because i had to read it a few times to sink in the meaning! Besides that, its really good!!

    GOOODD LUCKKKK!!!!!!!!! Hope my advice helped in any way!

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