Do you think that watching Television as a child can greatly influence and bring on delusional states in adulthood such as being transpecies (otherkin - thinking they have a vampire/dragon/elves/unicorn spirit)? Also, belief in having "supernatural" abilities?
(Television emits a lot of different wavelengths of light, such as radiation; and if humans do have electromagnetic energy emitting from their bodies - can this mean that T.V. accelerates the psychic development of an individual, by their energy field absorbing mutagenic wavelengths of light such as radiation? Also, can the images from T.V. create an imaginery world for the individuals subconscious, images from T.V. being stored deep in their memory banks? Spiritualists (myself included) believe we have 7 major energy points (chakra's) in our bodies where we absorb and emit energy/light. Our 3rd eye chakra is called Ajna meaning 'Command' - so can T.V. develop delusional states?
Any extensive research done on this?