
Please - What were the accursed poets writting about?

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(P. Verlain, P.C Bauderlaine etc)




  1. Baudelaire wrote "Les fleurs du mal" in which he affirmed that beauty might take origin from evil and sin,he was the first to write about the REAL human nature,according to him all men are hypocrites. His masterpiece was inspired by 3 different women representing 3 different categories :

    -Jeanne Duval: she represents the flesh (amour charnel),she is a prostitute.

    -Marie Daubrun: she represents the fraternal love.

    -Madame Sabatier: she's married,she represents tha ideal love,the love that could save men.

    "Les fleurs du mal" is based on a dicotomy or dualism : le SPLEEN et l'IDEAL.

    Spleen : it's about the "tedium" and the melancoly which is the feeling that upsets men.

    Ideal: men would like to join God,but they continue to fall into the spleen.

    Both Baudelaire and Verlain use a suggestive poetry,rich in images,sensations and colours,the reader should imagine and bring the poem to life.

    According to Rimbaud the poet must be a sort of claire voyant,he said "il faut etre voyant,se faire voyant",the poet tries to reach  " l' inconnu " (the unknown),through "le dereglement de sens".

    The poet must write about his visions,inspiration takes origin from extreme experiences like drugs,alcool and omosexuality.

    The poet is aware of the danger he puts himself into.

    I hope this might help you. :)

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