
Please.. Your opinion.. ? Schooling..?

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I have gone to a public school from kindergarten through 6th grade then I did an online school 7th, went back 8th and now as a 9th grader am doing a program online.

I really didnt like public school, just 8th grade sort of.. but I have the option to be normally (not by the internet) homeschooled for the rest of high school...

I really dont know what to do.

Can I get some of your opinions on homeschooling?

If I start the homeschooling the local public school doesnt accept homeschool credits so I couldnt really go back..

I really want to, I just dont know if its a bad idea..

I did go to a highschool for the first 2 months and really didnt like it either..

So, do you think I should try a different high school or start the home schooling??

Thank you.




  1. Homeschool is a terrific option. Credits are not much of an issue, as there is a placement test if homeschool doesn't work out that can get you back in school.

    You can learn a lot more if you are motivated, and you sound like you are.

    Best of luck to you sweetie. Go with what you think it right, and when you hear something negative about homeschool, do some research to make sure it's not an opinion or a stereotype.

    Let us know what you pick!

  2. hey miranda this is john i didn't know you were home schooled this doesn;t make you different from everybody else you know that so really i think you should try a different high school this is my opinion so hope you know what to do

    talk to you later

  3. Hm personally I have been around indivduals who have been both home schooled and public schooled and they turned out to be great people. But i did notice that home schooled individuals seemed more shy and not so quick to be social with everyone, people not within there own circle of friends. I was public schooled and it has made my first semester in college so much easier becuase i have dealt with the kinds of people that i have already been around. i think socially you should reconsider public schooling. But from an academic standpoint either way is okay as long as the program is strong and you apply yourself. Try try again. But if it isnt for you it isnt for you.  There are so many sides to this decision that i think it may take you some time to realize what it right for you, and will be able to help you proceed through life the easiest. Good luck!

  4. (I realized that this was kinda long. Sorry.)

    That's got to be up to you. I was homeschooled for life, and I've never had any social problems. I'm currently a college freshman, and I'm having the time of my life with my friends (who I didn't meet until I got out here, by the way).

    I really enjoyed my schooling - consider that I personally only spent about 3-4 hours/day on my schoolwork. Think about public school... you're in class about 6.5 hours/day, right? Let's cut out the first and last 5 minutes of each class, because you never do anything then anyway. Cut out the 5 minutes between each class, and you've lost 1.5 hours right there. Since you're the only one, you can work at your own pace. If you understand the material (say in history, for example), you spend 15-30 minutes on it and move on. If you have trouble with something (say math), you can spend 1-2 hours on it.

    Also, the one-on-one attention can be a real benefit. It's like having your own personal tutor (who coincidentally can ground you if she feels like it!) But seriously, it's really helpful.

  5. If you don't like public school and have no intentions of going back, then your lack of credits won't be a problem.

    Before you pull out of school, you need to do some research and decide on a curriculum or philosophy to follow. You can probably access your state's curriculum, you might follow a Christian program, a Steiner program, or a Classical Education program. A few hours on Google will provide you with a lot of info. I'm going to use "The Well Trained Mind" for my daughter. There's a lot of options, so you have to see what you want, and get your parent's agreement.

    Homeschooling will give you a lot of options you wouldn't have if you were at regular school. You won't be limited to after school type jobs. You could get a "proper" part time job during the day (when old enough) and study around that. You can do volunteer work, study whatever you want or feel you need to do. You can take courses at adult education centres (when old enough.) Here we have Tafes where people over 15 can do courses. When my daughter is of age I might suggest she goes and does an office skills course, just because it is a helpful thing to have on one's CV. You can do an apprenticeship and learn a trade, but still work on your academic subjects at night or on weekends. You can learn crafts, dressmaking, cooking or other useful things. Homeschooling is a lot more flexible.

  6. It is definitely not a bad idea if you are motivated to do your high school a more "normal" homeschooling way. Plenty of students have done so, get into college, etc. The content is more flexible, you'll have more time to follow your own personal interests, you'll have more time for outside activities... Just connect with a state-based or more local homeschooling group to really understand the laws where you live, as well as to connect with other homeschoolers.

  7. well, my brother is in independent studies its sorta like homeschooling but your parents dont teach you,

    you go to school once a week to get work, do that subject and take a test the next week whenever you can!

    you take a test for every chapter/unit in your subject so they dont push you to have to finish in a certain amount of time.

    but the good thing about independent studies is that they still have proms/dances and fund-raisers so you dont feel like your not social enough. hope i help! good luck ;)

  8. Go ahead with homeschooling. I thought that going to a different highschool after my first year of homeschooling would solve all the problems, but a highschool is a highschool. You'll find that there really wont be a very big change, and after spending that time at home doing online schooling you'll probably be bored out of your mind. I was after just one year of regular homeschooling because I was so far ahead at that point and so used to actually dealing with people and sources that had real information. There is nothing more saddening than asking a question in class and either being told that it's not in the book and teacher doesn't know the answer, or that there's no time to go into that because we have to keep drilling the low standards into your brain. If you want to know all the reasons why homeschooling is better and all the great benefits you'll get out of it, both socially and academically, look at my other answers. Or you can IM me on AIM at gryfindorgirl90 or just e-mail me.

  9. You are going to have to make up your mind as to how you want to pursue your education.

    Where this takes place does not seem to be the problem; however your indecisiveness is.

    You need to stay with a program and see it through to the end, either conventional schooling, home schooling, or on-line.

    Upon completion of a home school program, a home school diploma is just as valid as a conventional one, even if a "high school" does not accept these credits; colleges do, and that's all that matters.

    If you want to you can finish a home school high school diploma in about 2 years, since you are not dealing with the many non academic, or non essential programs in a conventional school; giving you the opportunity to attend college much sooner, or do both along side one another.

    Your parents, and you set your schedule, the pace, and can adjust your studies to what you would like to do in life; making learning much more focused on your future, and therefore meaningful.

    Good luck.


    No, you do not have to get your GED, however it is simple, and may be useful someday.

    Taking the pre-test/GED can also serve as a base line to find out if you need extra practice in an area, or not.

  10. My 4 girls did the in and out of home school thing. Each time we based our opinion on what we wanted out of school. What are your needs right now? Right now all my girls are in school. The oldest is in high school and on the water polo team, girl number two is in jr high and in the choir group, my third oldest is in the GATE program and goes on field trips once a month (they just got back from SF), my fourth daughter is also in choir group and loves it, and the littlest daugter is in kindergarden and is loving it! We decided against home school this year due to the oldest needing a better science and math teacher than I was, and the others followed suit. I always made it their choice. I am so glad I did homeschool! You just can't beat the one on one education. All but the youngest girl is in the top of her class in reading and math, so I cannot complain. Home school did for us what we wanted it to do for a long time. Just make a list of what you want    out of your educaton, and go from there.

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