
Please advice any advice.... im confused....?

by  |  earlier

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theres this guy, and we were sitting in a big group of friends and he put this pretzel stick thing in his mouth and he told me to take it. i just smiled and laughed, then he said take it so i leaned in and took a bit of the end (while it was still in his mouth) and as i moved back he moved in and asked me where you going i wanted to kiss you? i left it at that. next day on a bench me and my guy friend were sitting and there was a space next to me and he came to sit down. and there was like 9 of us me being the only female. he was talking to his friends joking and then he stopped and then leaned into my neck and said mmmm your wearing perfume. another friend of mine was just quick in passin and i got up to greet her. and when i came back my friend nick was sitting in my place next to the guy(im on about) and then he said to nick get up let the dame sit down. i keep noticing he's looking back at me when im checking him out because our eyes keep meeting. i need advice what are your opinions?




  1. ahh i think he really cares about you! hes making a big effort flirting with you its clear hes interested! you need to show him you feel the same by flirting back with him! although remember to play a little hard to get. "treat them mean keep them keen" :) ohhh i'm so excited for you! go for it and have fun!! :D

  2. he's totally into should go or it

  3. Well, he is obviously interested in you!!!  

  4. beware! he is after you just to use you! Avoid him and save yourself! quick! save yourself!

  5. isn't it obvious? he likes you! now don't keep him waiting and go out with him before it's too late, trust me guys don't wait around too long for girls they think they'll never get

  6. you both clearly like each other, get in there before someone else snaps him up!!!

  7. He clearly wants you. Whats stopping you? He's making it clear to you and all around yous that he wants you. If your a bit shy in front of other people approach him when he's by himself. If he is cute go for it, just don't jump into anything to serious to quick I've made that mistake.  

  8. kinda obvious he is so into you!

    so go for it have fun and enjoy yourself!

    good luck  

  9. Follow your heart.  It won't lie to you in this matter.  How do you feel about him?  If you're interested in him go with him somewhere nobody else is going, like a museum or an art show.  Then you can talk casually and see what's on his mind.  If he's interested in you he'll go.  If he just wants in your pants he's not worth the effort.

  10. infatuation gurl

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