It has been almost 8 months since I started having a constant irritating pain under my breast, on my left side. I did post this same question here and many advised me to check my heart. I did take ECG test and the result became normal. And yet the pain still persists. Two docs advised me to take aspirin (quoted one I guess). I asked them if the prescription is based on lab result like ECG. They said, nope - it is rather on the basis of your complaint and they further said it is generally advisable to take aspirin for anyone above 40. I am in my early 50s. I hate drugs. I therefore decided not to take aspirin. I am not taking any drug. The pain is still there. I am having this pain daily, but intermittently. I am an African and live in Africa. The docs I visited naturally are Africans. They are very good, but they may not have all the necessary equipment. I am in between at a loss. what do you think my problem is. where do you think the pain came from. they say 'no smoke where there is no fire'. Last time, one guy posted here such pain expose to a sudden death. The docs are saying we don't see any symptom that leads us to believe so. Hey, why am I having this pain?