
Please answer, ude b THE biggest help, easy 12 points!!!!

by Guest56658  |  earlier

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it started off iw as in my backyard riding a horse and doing jumps and stuff then it bucked me off so i went inside and a really cute dude was there! he had like brownish blonde hair and and i htink light colored eyes and was kinda tall, and then like the dream flipped and our families went to a cabin near the lake, and it was so cool

then, we went on a boat and he looked kinda scared and he stayed in the middle of the boat, and i wa skinda worried too, b/c of my tail, and then a couple speed boats cam outa no where and the dude driving it swerved and the boat turned and stood on its side and almost flipped but it threw 3 ppl off including me and the cute dubut then i went under really quick and told everyone i wanted to swim and so did the dude so iwent under and started swimming and we saw each other with our tails! it was so awesome so then we raced and he won which kinda sucked then we went to a little sand bar to dry and then transformed back and called our parents and htey found us it was fun and cool and it felt like i was really there!

ok theres the dream i had last ngiht!!

then a mouth b4 that i had a draem that me and that same dude were swimming with mermaid tails in the middle of the ocean, then we got out and sat on the rocks and watched the sunset, then layed in the sand to try to dry off from being wet ( this was not one of those perverted dreams, its not like we layed right nxt to each other) we were both 13, actually he was 14

ok heres another that kinda like these

we rent a lake house, and its in a cove, and across from our house on the other side of the cove is a running camp like cross country, and at night i go outside and i sit on the side of the dock, and while i sit there 3 ppl call my name, and i look, and its my bff, and shes with the same dude from my other dreams and then one of my guy friends, they call me to come swim with them, so i jump in and swim over, and we all float for a while, then we decide to go out of the cove and when we do we turn the corner, we try to stay to the side so we dont get hit by boats, and then theres this area where its like little sand bars with tall grass growing on them, like if the lake water was high then theyd b covered by water, but the tide or w/e was low, so the werent, and they all swam over and i swam with them, but i swam to the other side and when i tried to stand i *****, and i screamed and they told me to be quiet cuz we didnt want to get caught, they werent spose to b out at night, and they came over and my bff and guy friend pulled my out, but when they did they let go of me cuz they saw a tail ( again with the mermaid routine!!! :?) but then the cute dude ran over and told the others to grab my under arms while he got the end of my tail and they hauled me into the grass so no one wud see....we didnt know waht to do so we swam back to our dock and again i was pulled onto the doc while the cute dude stayed with me, my bff went to go get sometowels and my guy friend was a look out....we dried me off and i got my legs back, and then we all said wed have to keep it a asecret, and the nxt morning ( we all ended up sleeping on the dock together, not eprverted together i mean like guys and girls were on diff. sides) they announced on the intercom of the running camp that there was gona b a party, kinda like a last day party for the running camp since everyone was oging home and they wudnt b able to see each other anymore, and we had to buy tickets, and the cute dude asked me to go with him (even tho it wasnt a formal at all) and we went to give our tickets to the lady, and she wudnt let us in, so the cute dude got mad and started yelling at her and the lady yelled back, and the lady started swiminging her arms and almost hit me, causing me to fall into the lake, and pop goes the tail, and i had to swim under the dock and pretend like nothing happened, and i went under and swam to the little islands again and stayed there til i was dry, and the dude came after me, and he found me and we kissed and it ended........

WHAT DO THESE MEAN???? no, i dont watch the little mermaid or h2o or anyhting like that1!!! what is this???





  1. Only you can know what your dreams mean.  But it is apparent to me that the 'dude' that you see is a dream guide. Instead of drooling over him (yeah mines georgeous too) listen to him and try to understand what he says.  But remember who is in charge.  That's you.

    Water is life and you keep getting knocked into it but your dream guide is with you.  Watch what is going on in your life and make sound descisions.  You'll have less 'falling in the water dreams'.  The tail is something in your life that frees you but your afraid to let other people see what you can do.  

  2. u have a past life with this dude!

  3. It has been said “There is nothing that people deal with from the different sciences that is more obscure, delicate, exalted, noble, difficult, and problematic than dreams, because they are a type of revelation and a kind of prophethood”.

    meaning, only god knows the meaning of dreams. Many, don't have much meaning either. these repeated mermaid dreams are probably nothing more than a the result of info. processed in your brain subconsciously. anyway, it can't be a bad thing.

    just let it go. why waste time wondering about something you'll never really understand?

  4. I think you need to write a book based on these dreams. It'd be a great fiction novel.  

  5. If u look up mermaid in the dream dictionary in google, that could help, I was just there.

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