
Please answer! 10 pts! do antidepresants or antipsychotics show on drug tests?

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im not illegally taking them but it would be good to know for future events that require drug testing.




  1. Some antidepressants are tricyclics and yes some drug screen go up that far or they have that many panels company's generally perform seven and eight panel drug screens trycyclics and propoxopheyne being the two generally omitted on the seven panels.... The nine and ten panels test for.... cocaine, opiates,cannabis,  amphetamines, barbituates, benzodiazipine, ethanol, trycyclics which is drugs by the name off(impramine,trazodone etc) and  propoxopheyene (darvocet)..Honesty is always the best policy when you go in for a drug screen you need to tell them everything you have been taking RX and over the counter..Some cough meds can cause a false positive for meth: bet ya didn,t know that..don,t omit any medicine you are taking should future events require you to drug screen

  2. No. I work in a hospital lab. The only drugs that show up on the drug tests we do are illegal substances. Cocaine, opiates, THC, PCP...and a couple of others. We can do tests to check a drug level, say if you are on Lithium, the doctor could order a lithium test to see how much is in your system. However, most drug tests are only done to check for the illegal stuff. If your medicine was prescribed to you, you shouldn't have any worries.

  3. it depends on what the test is testing for. Most test are searching for specific drugs, some antipsycohotics could show up because they are pretty much tranquilizers. However again it depends on what the test is looking for.

  4. as long as it is a prescription in YOUR name dont worry about it

  5. Yes (if your test includes them), not all drug screens include them. I am a paramedic with a local government and I am tested 2-3 times a year and they are included.

  6. every drug shows on drug screenings. im pretty sure.

  7. naw man those tests arent sent to a lab so you'll be fine. they only test for thc heroin and cocaine. thats the standard drug screens capabilities. you're fine.

  8. yes,   you should disclose the meds you are on.

  9. No, the tests are to check for illegal substances.

  10. idk but if they are prescribed by a doctor you should be fine

  11. If you have a legit perscription, they can not hold it against you.

  12. It depends on how sophisticated the drug screen is. Some range from just brief screening tools looking for the most commonly abused medications, however there are tests that can tell you what meds you take and how much.

    If you have a prescription for the medication you should let them know you are on it.  Most times people are more concerned regarding the fact that you did not disclose the medication rather than the fact that you are on it.

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