
Please answer can you help me not get nervous 10 points easy

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I have ballet at 4:00 to day and I getting nervous can you calm me down or talk me though it or something please help me !!!!




  1. I took ballet and at first I was nervous. My love for dance is what kept me going. I think it's best to think of why you joined ballet in the first place. Dance is a great way to express how you feel. Don't let nervousness overwhelm you. When your dancing let all your emotions and feelings show through. Even a little nervous feelings. Good Luck today.  

  2. You will be fine! Take a deep breath and just think about the amazing performance you will give!

  3. Hey, I'm not currently in a dance class but I've taken ballet before. Girl, you aren't worried because you won't be okay in the class, you are worried because of an element of not knowing. You do not know if you will be okay in the class or not. Well, it's really impossible to know, so try and acknowledge this and be okay with it. Then, realize that many people have taken ballet before and they are all fine. I have taken ballet and it is very fun and at the beginning they are way easy on you. Do not worry!

  4. There are very good medicines in homoeopathy for nervousness before an exam .etc., you can try gelsimium 30 6to 8 pills tds or argentum nitricum 30 tds or aconite 30 similar dose 6-8 should think positively and must be confident and say to yourself that i can definitely get success in my endeavour and nothing can prevent me from my sincere efforts to gain success.When even ladies are trekking mount Everest ,the top most mountain with success afterall your ballet is nothing. so develop the spirit of Self confidence  and

    face the situation bravely. go ahead.

    you have my blessings.Iam a yoga master and reiki master too.My blessings have created already positve vibrations in you.good luck.

  5. Don't worry, you'll do fine. (:

    It might seem scary now, but when you get up there, you'll know what you're doing.

    And even if you do make a mistake, it's okay! No one will know, since they don't know the routine.

    Try not to think about it; do some other stuff. Read a book, watch TV, chat with a friend.

    You'll be fine. ^^

  6. Ummmmmmmmmmm........I know! Think of a reward you would like to treat yourself with. One you've wanted for a long time. Say to yourself, "If I really want it, I'm going to have to earn it." Or take 10 deep breaths 10 minutes before class. idk. GL (good luck!)

  7. I just recently did a production of Hairspray, and the director taught us a very good calming excercise.

    Lay on the floor with your hands on your stomach.

    Eyes Closed.

    Take deep breaths in and out.

    Imagine yourself sinking into the floor, almost like sand.

    Now imagine yourself on a beach, you have nowhere to go for the next few minutes... it's  time for you time.

    Keep breathing... in and out...

    Hope that helps.:. it worked for the whole cast!

    If you have time can you or anybody else answer some of my questions?


    And good luck!

  8. Don't worry if you fall over the ground will break your fall.

  9. Listen to music over and over and try practicing, this way you'll feel good about yourself and know what you're doing. It should definitely make you feel confident over the other girls.

  10. come on you can do it. Everyone gets nervous, if you know what your doing you'll be okay, h**l even if you don't know what your doing you can still have fun with it. think positive

  11. Is this your first ballet class ever? Or one of your first?

    If so, you don't need to be too worried about it. The dancers in your class and your teacher realize that you're new at it and will respect that and help you through it. Don't worry about looking bad. Trust me...even after dancing for 12 years I still have days where I completely mess up...but you just need to learn not to let that get to you. Everyone messes up at some point.

    Try to distract yourself before your ballet class so you won't think too much about it. But really...ballet is so fun and rewarding. I think that you'll find that you actually love it. : )

  12. Unless you want to get over confident then I suggest just going with it. Butterflies are a good sign, it means you're anticipating it. Just remember everything you trained and learned and practiced. Breathe, and drink water. Maybe listen to some music to get jitters out. But when it comes, all you can do is rely on yourself to get it right and think about the best thing. If you focus on the negative, you're just going to stress yourself out and end up putting more pressure on yourself. The world isn't going to end if you make a mistake. <3 Best of luck.

  13. 1.  If you are already panicking: Find a quiet place to sit down and relax.  Close your eyes and count to one hundred slowly.  Breathe slowly, but not too deeply.

    2.  Try to take your mind off of your anxiety by doing something mindless but detail-oriented...file papers, scrub the floor, organize your books/DVDs, etc.

    3.  Take a relaxing bath!

    4.  Yoga!  Or stretching.

    5.  Find music which either relaxes you or puts you to sleep.

    6.  Go on a really, really long walk.  Make sure to stretch afterward!

    Do you know why ballet makes you anxious?  You don't have to deal with this today since you are already anxious, but if you are comfortable, perhaps you should talk with your ballet instructor or classmates about your anxiety.

  14. if its class. dont worry class is learning and perfecting technique. i fall all the time and im the best dancer in my class. i actaully fall more than anyone else!

    performance. just smile and focus on the dance. just think the audiance doesnt know the dance so if you mess up or fall its ok. my last recital i was on pointe and i was doin a double and i landed backwards! i totally didnt know where in the coreography i was so i turned aroudn and clamed down and it just came back to me. if you love to dance show it!

    just think ive dotn it a million times this is just a rehersal that i have to smile during!

  15. Hahaha okay!

    What kind of other things do you like to do?

    Do you have any pets?

    Fav song?

    ...the list goes on & on forever,just email me anytime


  17. okay!

    how are you?

    I use to do ballet!

    i love it...

    i would still be doing it...

    if i didnt hurt my nee.

    want a joke!


    i cant think of one.......



  18. imagine that there is no audience

    remember they will probally never see you again in day to day life so you can make a complete fool of urself it wont matter

    ur unique and if they dont like you s***w them!

    you have been practicing and are a master at what you do so have faith in yourself!

    hope that helps :  )  stay fly -fly

  19. It's just a class.

    There are going to be other girls there to that are learning the same thing.

    Nobody is going to judge you.

    The teacher is your friend and the critques can only make you better.

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