
Please answer.... cat <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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my 5 year old cat has a puncture mark on his chin from my 3 year old cat. Last night it was bleeding and so we put some neosporin on it. this morning it's not bleeding, but it looks sore. Should we take him to the vet and if so, what should we do while we wait to take him in?




  1. The cat hates you.  Get over it.

  2. was it a bite or scratch wound? bites can be deeper than they look and often become infected-keep it clean and keep an eye on it-if it still looks sore or gets worse then take him to the vet. my cat had a bite to his neck that became infected-another time I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and it healed fine.

  3. Unless it&#039;s deep enough to be stitched...use some peroxide on it just pour about a cap full on it..let it foam out and redo it a couple times..dab it dry... .do that about 2-3 times a day and rub a little  Antibiotic ointment on it..try to rub it in and they won&#039;t be able to get it off.  I have rescued cats and kittens and paid the Dr. bills and got them fixed and interviewd for their new homes for years and NEVER over a smal bite does it need to be seen by a vet.  If it was by a would have to lock it up and watch him for about 2 weeks for signs of rabies...but, your kitty will be fine.  GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  lol just had to grab my rescue kitten..he&#039;s beating up his sister and in time out and maddddddddddddddddddddd lol

  4. I&#039;d call the vet and ask... although they will probably tell you to bring him in. However, please do NOT use human products on animals without a qualified vet telling you it is okay... some of them are toxic to them that are not toxic to us and you could do more harm than good.

  5. You should not use human antibiotic cream on animals without asking a vet.  It could poison them.  

    They clean themselves consistently, and will l**k the antibiotic off and ingest it.  It was not made for swallowing, and can cause even more health issues.  Wipe it off gently with a warm compress.  Do not put anything else on it.  

    Unless the cat is showing signs of infection in the area, just leave it alone to heal by itself.  The cat will see that it stays clean on it own.  The only thing you need to do is look at it once a day to look for any yellow puss or if it is still bleeding profusely.

  6. Is the area around the puncture mark red and swollen? If so, then it probably is sore and could be on it&#039;s way to infected. Cats have a lot of bacteria in their mouths and claws and it&#039;s very easy for wounds from them to get infected.

  7. You should not need to take your cat to the vet for the mark.  Be sure to clean it at least twice a day with regular old peroxide and apply the neosporin (Bag Balm works a little better if you can find it).  Just keep an eye on the sore spot.  If it gets very dark red around the sore spot or the cat starts acting strangely, then consider taking it to the vet.  Things like that happen all the time!  I grew up in a house with anywhere from 2 cats to 9 cats at one time!  They get into their tiffs once in a while and sometimes get little injuries.  

  8. Bites can cause nasty infections and abscesses. I would have it checked out before it gets too bad. Red, puffy, or draining are bad signs so call the vet.

  9. i would wait to see if it gets infected.

  10. I&#039;m assuming the puncture is a bite.  If it was deep enough to draw blood, odds are high it will get infected - puncture wounds and especially cat bites get seriously infected very quickly and easily and can be very serious.  The wound can&#039;t be cleaned well externally because of the kind of wound it is so oral antibiotics ahead of time are a very good idea to prevent a serious internal infection that could result in a nasty abscess or worse.

  11. You can keep an eye on his chin for the next day or so. If you see any sign of infection then it&#039;s time to get him checked out. What ever you do, don&#039;t put any peroxide or alcohol on it as it will sting like crazy.The neosporin is fine as long as  you don&#039;t see him l*****g it off.


    If the neosporin contains something that is dangerous you can make your cat sick.

    If the puncture isn&#039;t deep or bleeding just wash it with water,

    Make sure it heals from the inside out... otherwise you will get an absess.  

    Pull the hair in the area to keep it open... after it has healed and it will open the top so the underside doesn&#039;t fill with puss.

    Don&#039;t use neosporin... just water on it.

    good luck

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