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by Guest63697  |  earlier

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got any good ways to get rid of nerves? id like to kno




  1. Cleaning helps workout that extra energy and always makes me feel better.

  2. well hot chocolate always make me feel better... lol but i guess that&#039;s a personal opinion, but here are some more opinions;

    bubble baths

    stress balls

    chewing on a lot of gum

    watch others doing what ur nervous to do

    listen to fav songs on ipod and blast it

    tap your foot

    play gameboys/ text on cell


    painting nails...

    just try to anything to keep your mind off of it. it&#039;s sorta a mental thing, do what makes you relax :]]]

  3. Take a walk, a bubble bath, deep breathing, listening to music, and st. johns wart

  4. buddhism tought me a few things.

    first you clench all your body muscles and stay really tight and balled up for like a minute.

    try not to forget any muscle.

    and then let it go.

    my mom is an actress and she told me she used to be nervous when she had to go on as juliet in romeo and juliet. backstage she&#039;d run her lines and think of exactly what she was going to do, so when she went out there she would just be focused on herself, and not who&#039;d be watching.

    if you&#039;re going on stage, the lights are often to bright to see the audience, so you can pretend that they aren&#039;t there.

  5. Call Down. Breath. And do things that you are good at, like read, run, write, talk or anything else. Just calm down and relax. For what ever the thing is have fun with it and be yourself.

    Good Luck and Relax

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