
Please answer has anyone ever

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had period like cramps for 2 full days with no bleeding? I saw a faint line on one test but I took another test and it was negative. I am late which never happens and my stomach has these cramps like in between where my ovaries are. My b***s are killin me. Could this be implantation? The cramps feel like I am on my period but there is no blood. I am confused. also when pregnant have any of you not wanted s*x?




  1. Ok faint line is POSITIVE!!! go to doctors and get a blood test!  

  2. could be preggo . i had pms like feeling and bad cramps!! good luck

  3. If your stressed, you could miss a period. Also if you run a lot or lost a lot of weight. You better see a doctor if it doesn't come again next month.

  4. I think in this case it will depends on how long ago you had unprotected s*x. Stress can also cause an irregular period. If possible I would go to a doctor for a pregnancy test to be sure. Another thing you could do is wait a few more days and take another test.

    When I was pregnant w/my daughter I had all the symptoms of a period but no bleeding. Then at 2 months pregnant I di get a period. It was strange, but it happens.

    To answer your other question. I am 33 weeks pregnant and want s*x all the time. When I was pregnant the first time I was the same way.  

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