
Please answer i need help for tomorow show thing???

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Hi! I have been going to a riding school for 5 lessons and I can jump Okish, i was jumping 1 metre in jumping canter last time.

The riding school is having a gymkanna thing with showjumps and that. It's not like really wow it's just casual but still competitive do you think i should enter it since i can kind of jump???




  1. It depends how competive you are. It'll be good experiance if you wish to compete in the future but if you wanna win or have doubts about coming last and embaressment etc then best not to. I know nothing about horseriding so i dunno if 5 lessons is good or not etc. but its up to you. It would be good experiance

  2. ask your instructor what she thinks first and then make your decision.

  3. Listen to your instructor, he/she is the only one that has seen your skills, so go for it and I would love to hear the results.

  4. No you should be completely ready no matter what its dangerous

  5. I agree with your instructor.  Go for it.

  6. Jumping after five lessons?  Could you ride already then?

    The riding school thingys are great great fun and you should enter if you think you are up to it and your instructor agrees with you.

    We had bags of fun when the kids were younger.

  7. I f you want to, go for it.  It will be a good learning experience for you and you cn set some goals for your performance and have some fun trying to reach them.  First showa are pretty nerve racking sometimes, but if it is set up in a fun way, just have a good time.

  8. If it's nothing Wow, then go for it.  Then when you do have a big competition you won't be so nervous.  I can't believe you've never rode a horse before and then you were jumping after your 5th lesson.  I'd have to see that to believe it.

  9. after five lessons i was just beginning to trot on the lunge! id say no u need to devlop ur skills first before u test ur self...

  10. trust your instructor! i think you sould go for it. even though you may not be the best rider there, its still a good learning experience. i waited too long to show cause i never thought i was good enough and now i lack experience while everyone else in my classes have been doing it for years. i definatley wish i would have started competing earlier! hih!


  11. Something you must learn, and all kids must learn is that it is the taking part that counts, not necessarily the winning!  Go out there and enjoy yourself.  Success or failure depends on so many things on the day, as well as preparation.

    Either you or your horse might be feeling well and ready for action.  You or your horse might have had a bad day at the office.  You might both be feeling stiff, or on top of the world ......

    Important thing is warm up, practising walking, trotting, cantering and one or two jumps.  No more.  Depends a bit on where you are riding.

    Then relax but keep the horse moving.  Check girths and stirrups that both are secure and comfortable. Check that your tie is straight and you both look presentable.   Go in to the arena with a big smile on your face.  Face the judges and salute.  This is a sign of respect and also signifies that you are ready to start the course.

    Start calmly, focusing on the next fence - make sure you know the course beforehand.  And enjoy!  Reward the judges with another salute and your biggest smile.  And walk out of the arena with your head held high.

    If you win, all well and good.

    If not, lose with a smile.  It is all about sportsmanship.  Somebody else got lucky on the day.  Maybe you will get lucky next time.

    Good luck.

  12. Personnally i would go but not ride. Give it a few more weeks. If you go, watch all the riders and cheer them on. Watch there form and positions. This should help you alot and maybe next time you can join and know what to expect.

    Good Luck,


  13. Im amazed u can ride well enought to jump after just 5 lessons but if your instructor says u are ready then why not.

    Just enter one or 2 classes for beginners and have fun thats what its all about. Dont expect to win anything, just enjoy yourself and learn from it  

  14. go for it you never no you might walk away happy with lots of rosettes just dont loose confidence and you will probablly enjoy yourself

  15. wow, jumping after 5 lessons. i rode for 7 years and jus started to jump horses. you should not you should get your position and balance first, you dont want anything bad to happen

  16. if your instructor thinks your up for it then you probably are, just go and have fun.  

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