
Please answer! idk how many times i post this and get only 1 answer...easy 10!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike 15 and i never had a bf....but now i really want one...ya guys asked me out but i never liked them..and all the guys i liked...never liked me....but theres this really nice guy that i like...and like i dont know what to do! im kinda shy around guys...i think i may be to shy to flirt....please help me! give me tips! be my older sister and mom that i never had!!




  1. Well you ever thought about Girls?

    don’t worry, life is hard and Relations are ever harder, boys come and go in your life and some times it’s the closet guy in your life are the ones that will treat you Right.

    All I can say is that move on, Brake the shell and shyness will shed. Good luck to you

  2. First off, you need to be careful with boys around ur age because a lot of them are just starting to try new things sexually and you do not want any guy, even a boyfriend, to take advantage of you. Have you looked at all the boys you have been into? Maybe do that and see if there's an specific "type" you are into and if so, widen your range of guys. Also, see what kind of guys are attracted to you. If you are attracting the same type of guy, maybe you are the one that needs to change a little. Try to become friends first with a guy and then see where it goes from there. But always remember to be yourself. You never want to change too much of yourself just to impress one guy. Before you know it you will look yourself in the mirror and say whoa who is that?! I think that you also need to become more outgoing since you said you were shy. Guys do not like over dramatic girls or crazy loud ones. They also do not like shy ones so some where is where you need to find a balance. Practice in the mirror at home introducing yourself and talking. If there is a particular guy you are into, get a group of friends together and invite him! I hope this helped sweetie and that you are able to find a bf :)

  3. although you are only 15 and i would HIGHLY recommend to stay FAR AWAY from boys at this age, I will give you advice anyway! I use to joke around when I wanted a boys attention in school (it worked when I was 17 yrs old on this REALLY CUTE GUY!) I would laugh at the laffy taffy jokes-i know that is silly and those probably don't exist anymore, but that is what I did. He sat at the same lunch table that I did.

    FYI the funny thing about boys is that the ones that don't like you now, but you like them will probably like you in high school!

    good luck!

  4. just hang out around him alot

    but dont ask him out cause your the girl and thats not cool

    so just have your friends talk to him or somethin

    cause you can act immberassed about your friends later and he wont ever know



  5. Why don't you just ask him how's school going, do you like your teachers, what classes does he have, how about sports?  Any football games yet?  Ask him what he likes to do.  Just be yourself and smile.   You just might be surprised how this all goes.  Don't brag or lie to him either.  Good luck.

  6. First, I am sorry you don't have a mom to go to. I am raising 2 girls that have a birth mom physically, but not emotionally. Secondly, don't worry about having a bf right now. Have fun and date. If the guys asking you out aren't losers or trouble makers, give them a chance too.  With this guy you like, it doesn't take much to show him that you are crushing on him.  Just a quick smile in the hallway, or a raise of the eyebrows, even a quick glance he sees works wonders. You are still young and have a full life ahead of you, I don't think you need to be so preoccupied with guys. What happens, happens. Good luck to you!

  7. just go up to him and ask him a question. like, find one of his interests and base a question off it. and laugh around him, but not too much to the point he thinks ur weird. just loosen up and get comfortable when ur around him and flirting will get a lot easier. confidence is key in this type of situation.

    good luck.  

  8. Aww!

    Do not get nervous! It's alright! Guys are humans too, so no need to be scared of them!

    Just be yourself! Don't worry about how you act around them. It's okay to giggle a lot and be silly! If a guy likes you, he will just accept you for the way you are. So if you are shy, a guy should like you for being shy. Take it easy :)

    Good luck!  

  9. Become his friend first if you are not comfortable being completely straight-forward.

    Ask him to hang out, be nice, find out what he's interested in. Stuff like that.

    Good Luck;)

  10. .. being shy--will get you no where around guys. Its the 21st century.. u got to be brave and well-open minded.. if you are shy a lot as you get older--guys will tend to take advantage of those shyness. so be open up.. and about the guy you like--just get to know him first... talk a lot with him.. tell him about yourself as well as ask him question..

    Good luck with him :)

  11. dont care whta anyone else think talk to him flirt dont be shy were only young once and the worlds to short to hide

  12. just be nice sweet and funny around him. Compliment him, but be yourself.

    Dress cute!

  13. i am shy too,  just start a conversation with them and become good friends.  Then you can start to gradually throw tiny hints that you like him.  it worked for me!

  14. hiya!

    why dont u search this question under this same catergory and see what u find....=D there are many many many ppl who have gone through the exact same thing u r talking bout!!!

    u dont need to flirt to go out with a guy...if u are too shy to ask the guy out then how bout asking a friend? why not just be friends with him for a while and get him to notice u....dont change urself to prove anything...if u do...then he might wanna go out wit u for all the rong reasons...

    just talk to him casually whenever u can...DONT try and be clingy or anything! its a total turn off and can be irritating for the guy...just be "casual" lol...once u know him well enuf...or u think its the right time...just ask him!! its always going to be hard the first time but once u do it then atleast u can get it off ur mind! lol

    hope things work out!


    ps...EDIT: look how many answers u got now!! lol

  15. I think I'll go for the older sister,lol. My best advice is just be yourself that way when you do get the attention of a boy you know it is you he really likes not who you are pretending to be. Flirting is not needed just friendly real smiles and conversation, and you are only 15 give life a chance kids are always in a hurry to grow up and be is to short enjoy where you are let the future take care of itself. Even as adults relationships don't always go as planned you love and they don't. Just let your life unfold don't push it.

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